Invigorate (move)

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Available in Telefang 1  Move
Bootleg: Diverge

Cryptoknight using Invigorate in Telefang 1
Found in Available in Telefang 1

Invigorate is a move found in Telefang 1 that increases the user's Attack stat.


The following Denjuu know this move naturally
Telefang 1
No. Name Bootleg name Stage Type
005 Crypto Kuribute

Natural Denjuu Forest

027 Noriutsugi Noriwuts

Cultivated Denjuu Sky

032 Funnel Phanel

Cultivated Denjuu Grassland

060 Cryptoride Kuripute

Big Denjuu Forest

070 Octor Aokuteru

Big Denjuu Aquatic

075 Armcrab Armkurab

Big Denjuu Aquatic

082 Gadhoro Jiadhelo

Burst Denjuu Sky

087 Raigaleon Raigarin

Burst Denjuu Grassland

088 Gadorkuma Gadoruk

Burst Denjuu Forest

097 Badhoro Badhelo

Explosion Denjuu Sky

100 Zudoon Stone

Explosion Denjuu Grassland

106 Gaultheria Goteria

Explosion Denjuu Forest

110 Angieon Andion

Explosion Denjuu Sky

118 Octorifle Octobre

Super Machine Denjuu Aquatic

123 Cryptoburn Kuribute

Super Denjuu Forest

128 Octagun Okutagan

Super Denjuu Aquatic

136 Angilance Andirans

Demon Denjuu Sky

142 Punkhoro Bangupal

Demon Denjuu Sky

151 Angipower Angipao

Dark Space Denjuu Sky

158 Cryptoknight Kuriput

True Denjuu Forest

161 Angigorgo Angigogo

God Denjuu Sky

170 Angioros Angiros

Devil Denjuu Sky

The following Denjuu learn this move at a certain level
Telefang 1
No. Name Bootleg name Stage Type Level
020 Bubaria Bubaria

Natural Denjuu Aquatic L11