
From Wikifang, a definitive guide to Telefang, Dino Device and Bugsite
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Origin (Japanese: しゅっしん, shusshin) is where a Denjuu was recruited from, or its home location. A Denjuu's origin determines how long it takes to arrive to battle when it is called; it may take many turns to arrive or get lost more easily if called from far away from where it lives.

A Suguri whose origin is listed as Tokaribe Field (トカリベそうげん)

Every Denjuu - including secret ones and those used by NPCs - has origin data, however in Telefang 1 this data is not visible ingame. In Telefang 2, a Denjuu's origin can be seen when viewing its status pages.

Secret Denjuu all have preset specific origin locations, which are not derived from the area the player happens to be in when they input the phone numbers.