Panses Village

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Panses Village
パンセスむらPanses Mura

Bootleg: Banses Village

Map of Panses Village. Click to enlarge.
Version found in Available in Telefang 1
To Antenna Tree To
Paparouna Lake Panses Village Iris
Other connections
Dimenza's Mansion

Name etymology[edit]

From the Greek word πανσές (pansés), meaning pansy.

Storyline of events[edit]

A Saiope named Dimenza appears from the lake and instructs Shigeki to visit certain houses in the village, before he can enter the mansion.

Labeled map of the houses

The order of houses the player must visit is version-dependent. For Power, the order is Gumi, Punica, Netaro, Kochia, Nejiro. For Speed, the order is Fungus, Waratah, Keshi, Suguri, Crypto.

Nerikara can be found hiding here after his failures.

Appearances of Denjuu[edit]


Group 1

Power version
061 Wormiterala Rarity: 70% Lvs. 33-35
024 Waratah Rarity: 20%
051 Godetia Rarity: 10%
Speed version
061 Wormiterala Rarity: 70% Lvs. 33-35
024 Waratah Rarity: 20%
051 Godetia Rarity: 10%


Fusion evolution

 Iron - 50 Chiru﹡
 Phone Card - 50 Chiru
 Mixer - 55 Chiru
 Laptop - 220 Chiru
 Microwave - 90 Chiru﹡

﹡Items that appear at different times