Doon (Basic)

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#003 Rex #004 Rex Doon #006 Doon #007 Doon
ドーン / Doon
No. 005
Stage Basic
Type Forest

Doon is a Forest-type Denjuu. It is the rival's starter in the Power Version of Telefang 2.

Name etymology[edit]

"Doon" is a Japanese onomatopoeia for an explosion, similar to "boom".


Power/Speed ほそいはなを きにつきさし じゅえきをすって いきているぞ
English Translation Its slender trunk can suck the sap out of any tree.

Telefang 2 sprites[edit]

Front Idle Front Active Back Idle Back Active


Power Version
After beating the game, Yuu and Doon appear outside of Holy Land Iasuka. If you defeat them, you will recieve downloadable Melo-D #6 and Doon will give you its phone number.


Moves of Doon (Basic)
From start Whip
From start Water Gun Wave Crash (L10)
Lv. 8 Scream
Lv. 28 Blizzard
