
From Wikifang, a definitive guide to Telefang, Dino Device and Bugsite
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Welcome to Wikifang's central to-do list!

This list is pretty general at the moment, so feel free to elaborate or add whatever comes to mind. (Major projects and changes should be discussed on Tulunk as well!)


  • Finish adding basic pages for the remaining bugs.
  • T2 Denjuu could use some attention.

Decision making[edit]

  • Decide how we're formatting Denjuu pages (templates and such)... Same for Bugs and Dinos, moves, items, and locations.
  • Finalize all of the names for Denjuu (T1 and T2), Bugs, moves, items, locations, etc. (Before adding new pages for them)
  • Update the MediaWiki software?


  • Revamp pages for important stuff like games, game series, game mechanics, monster types, etc.
  • Clean up the Denjuu and Bug lists as much as possible.


  • Clear out old redirects for incorrect Denjuu names, they're left over from page moves and not really necessary (though Krypto can stay).
  • Create/fix redirects for all of the bootleg T1 Denjuu names, possibly move names as well/
  • T-Fanger templates should be added to location and character pages.


  • DD1 walksprites need to be ripped and animated, only Carina is currently done.
  • Manga sections should be added to all relevant Denjuu pages (Bugsite too...?)

See also[edit]

For more to-do, visit the following: