Gyuun (Basic)

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#008 Doon #009 Doon Gyuun #011 Gyuun #012 Gyuun
ギューン / Gyuun
No. 010
Stage Basic
Type Sky

Gyuun is a Sky-type Denjuu. It is the rival's starter in the Speed Version of Telefang 2.

Name etymology[edit]

"Gyuun" is a Japanese onomatopoeia for fast movement, similar to "woosh".


Power/Speed はねと バネのようなあしの ちからで たかくジャンプするぞ
English Translation It jumps super high, using its springy legs and wings.

Telefang 2 sprites[edit]

Front Idle Front Active Back Idle Back Active


Speed Version
After beating the game, Otome and Gyuun appear outside of Holy Land Iasuka. If you defeat them, you will recieve downloadable Melo-D #6 and Gyuun will give you its phone number.


Moves of Gyuun (Basic)
From start Jump
From start Gust Gale (L10)
Lv. 8 Quick Step
Lv. 18 Wave Cutter
