Pokémon Great Collection (Kou Dai Guai Shou Da Ji He)

Pokémon Great Collection (zh: 口袋怪獸大集合 Kǒudài Guàishòu Dà Jíhé) is a Chinese hack of the Speed version of Telefang 1.

The boxart features a large collection of official art of many of the Pokémon from the Kanto region, pasted above another scene of Pikachu, Jigglypuff and Charmander in a field. The side of the box reads 'Gema Color'.[1]The Chinese characters for 'Pokémon' in the game's title also use the exact same colours and shading of the original Japanese Telefang logo. The same boxart is also reused for both the cartridge and the instruction booklet that come with the game.[2]The back of the box also features various pirated official Pokémon art and shows several screenshots of the edited Telefang Speed version, including an altered title screen and Pokémon sprites in place of Denjuu.[3]
Title Screen[edit]

The title screen has been heavily edited to feature Pokémon characters and the title logo from the boxart. Pikachu and Ho-oh are edited in place of Fungus and Gymnos, who would normally be on the title screen of the Speed version. Pikachu's art is an enlarged version of the sprite in Pokémon Gold.[4]
The Traditional Chinese character 獸 (shòu, meaning monster or beast) seen on the boxart is replaced with the Simplified character 兽. Considering the other characters are the same across scripts, this is simply a script swap. The swap could have occurred for a myriad of reasons; the most likely is branding, as traditional Chinese characters are sometimes used over simplified ones, even in countries commonly using the latter, for the purpose of "looking cool" to would-be buyers. Alternatively, simplified characters may have been used to accommodate for a smaller screen, not needing to use as many complex characters. Another possibility is that the cartridge may have been produced in mainland China, where video games were banned at the time, while the boxart was outsourced.
Pokémon List[edit]
Below is a list of the Pokémon that appear in the game, as well as the Denjuu that they replaced.
Notably, Pikachu and Lanturn appear twice. Some evolution families are incomplete (for example, Dragonair and Dragonite are present, but Dratini is not). The Pokémon evolution lines do not line up with the Denjuu evolution lines. For example, Pikachu (Fungus) evolves into Pikachu (Fungblade), who either evolves into Murkrow (Fungeist) or Butterfree (Fungmachine). From there, Butterfree evolves into Xatu (Fungwar) or Aerodactyl (Fungboost).
No. | Pokémon | Denjuu |
1 | Bulbasaur | Tsunonasu |
2 | Charmander | Kochia |
3 | Squirtle | Oshe |
4 | Caterpie | Keshi |
5 | Weedle | Crypto |
6 | Pidgey | Monstera |
7 | Pikachu | Fungus |
8 | Nidoran♂️ | Hiougi |
9 | Oddish | Punica |
10 | Poliwag | Gumi |
11 | Abra | Suguri |
12 | Machop | Ganraikou |
13 | Bellsprout | Byakubu |
14 | Geodude | Telopea |
15 | Gastly | Mantea |
16 | Cubone | Ixora |
17 | Chikorita | Myrtus |
18 | Cyndaquil | Lychnis |
19 | Totodile | Lapeirousia |
20 | Rattata | Bubaria |
21 | Spearow | Angios |
22 | Ekans | Gymnos |
23 | Sandshrew | Liriope |
24 | Clefairy | Waratah |
25 | Vulpix | Sorghum |
26 | Jigglypuff | Eryngo |
27 | Zubat | Noriutsugi |
28 | Paras | Pampas |
29 | Diglett | Rhodanthe |
30 | Meowth | Lycoris |
31 | Psyduck | Viburnum |
32 | Mankey | Funnel |
33 | Growlithe | Vanda |
34 | Ponyta | Uikyou |
35 | Slowpoke | Obana |
36 | Magnemite | Firekokko |
37 | Doduo | Raygoten |
38 | Seel | Drilarmor |
39 | Grimer | Chamelan |
40 | Shellder | Cryptoarm |
41 | Drowzee | Shellstera |
42 | Murkrow | Fungeist |
43 | Yanma | Balltamus |
44 | Espeon | Burenica |
45 | Umbreon | Geron |
46 | Farfetch'd | Berzelia |
47 | Onix | Nigella |
48 | Hitmonchan | Musa |
49 | Lickitung | Netaro |
50 | Chansey | Nejiro |
51 | Tangela | Godetia |
52 | Kangaskhan | Curcuma |
53 | Mr. Mime | Tessen |
54 | Scyther | Heliopsis |
55 | Jynx | Hagumanoki |
56 | Ivysaur | Gilerth |
57 | Charmeleon | Raygirth |
58 | Wartortle | Armaru |
59 | Metapod | Chameraid |
60 | Kakuna | Cryptoride |
61 | Pidgeotto | Wormiterala |
62 | Pikachu | Fungblade |
63 | Nidorino | Bulltamus |
64 | Gloom | Puneedle |
65 | Poliwhirl | Kerorin |
66 | Kadabra | Sugulai |
67 | Machoke | Cortos |
68 | Weepinbell | Gaiurus |
69 | Graveler | Midotor |
70 | Haunter | Octor |
71 | Marowak | Hitodeight |
72 | Bayleef | Ghosboar |
73 | Quilava | Rasenmai |
74 | Croconaw | Scorpil |
75 | Raticate | Armcrab |
76 | Fearow | Angiorn |
77 | Arbok | Gymrace |
78 | Sandslash | Lirionpu |
79 | Clefable | Whitah |
80 | Ninetales | Potzal |
81 | Wigglytuff | Araneida |
82 | Golbat | Gadhoro |
83 | Parasect | Cliogera |
84 | Dugtrio | Gust |
85 | Persian | Reige |
86 | Golduck | Togeruka |
87 | Primeape | Raigaleon |
88 | Arcanine | Gadorkuma |
89 | Rapidash | Abiras |
90 | Slowbro | Alphagos |
91 | Magneton | Kiyoruka |
92 | Dodrio | Gymgarth |
93 | Dewgong | Baionpu |
94 | Muk | Warutah |
95 | Cloyster | Gunzatl |
96 | Hypno | Arachida |
97 | Krabby | Badhoro |
98 | Goldeen | Lampgera |
99 | Staryu | Tempest |
100 | Magikarp | Zudoon |
101 | Omanyte | Hiyu |
102 | Dratini | Gamazumi |
103 | Mew | Papaver |
104 | Sentret | Gamuru |
105 | Hoothoot | Bouvardi |
106 | Ledyba | Gaultheria |
107 | Spinarak | Dipsacus |
108 | Chinchou | Kaya |
109 | Marill | Denfare |
110 | Sunkern | Angieon |
111 | Hoppip | Easydog |
112 | Slowking | Tricerarmor |
113 | Misdreavus | Cryptosnipe |
114 | Aerodactyl | Fungboost |
115 | Kabutops | Veenica |
116 | Porygon | Saiguliger |
117 | Lapras | Armedurus |
118 | Tauros | Octorifle |
119 | Pinsir | Eraserboar |
120 | Magmar | Spearneedle |
121 | Venusaur | Gilgierth |
122 | Charizard | Uniarmor |
123 | Blastoise | Cryptoburn |
124 | Butterfree | Fungmachine |
125 | Beedrill | Punisto |
126 | Pidgeot | Suguline |
127 | Raichu | Machurus |
128 | Nidoking | Octagun |
129 | Vileplume | Mummyboar |
130 | Poliwrath | Kingpin |
131 | Alakazam | Beebalm |
132 | Machamp | Salal |
133 | Victreebel | Enishida |
134 | Golem | Tulbaghia |
135 | Gengar | Kiringiku |
136 | Hitmonlee | Angilance |
137 | Meganium | Gymganon |
138 | Typhlosion | Saiope |
139 | Feraligatr | Wattah |
140 | Kingler | Quetzaking |
141 | Seaking | Arachdebaran |
142 | Starmie | Punkhoro |
143 | Gyarados | Vikingurin |
144 | Omastar | Storm |
145 | Dragonair | Mutoom |
146 | Mewtwo | Gypsophi |
147 | Furret | Ruscus |
148 | Noctowl | Maoran |
149 | Ledian | Zea |
150 | Ariados | Gonum |
151 | Lanturn | Angipower |
152 | Azumarill | Gymzyrus |
153 | Sunflora | Canonope |
154 | Skiploom | Calm |
155 | Flareon | Ryuuguu |
156 | Cleffa | Gigagigerth |
157 | Nidoqueen | Barriarm |
158 | Ampharos | Cryptoknight |
159 | Xatu | Fung-Oh |
160 | Togetic | Bashou |
161 | Bellossom | Angigorgo |
162 | Sudowoodo | Gymbaron |
163 | Politoed | Lirimonarch |
164 | Jumpluff | Enteioh |
165 | Aipom | Golaking |
166 | Pichu | Kanzou |
167 | Lanturn | Ornithogalum |
168 | Chinchou | Gentiana |
169 | Crobat | Yarrow |
170 | Dragonite | Angioros |
171 | Moltres | Gymzatan |
172 | Zapdos | Doomsday |
173 | Articuno | Dendel |
174 | Snorlax | Teletel |
Gameplay Changes[edit]
The real time clock does not advance in-game (which is why it does not animate in the HUD). However, there is an option in the D-Shot menu that allows the player to manually change the time.
Bugs and Glitches[edit]
An IPS patch can be found here: [1], thanks to ElkFish and andwhyisit. ([Forums ref](https://forum.telefang.net/viewtopic.php?t=1173&hilit=great+collection&start=50))
This should be applied to Telefang - Speed Version.
Front view of cartridge.
Back view of the cartridge with a green coloured screw.
See also[edit]
- ↑ http://fuji.drillspirits.net/pix/gb-unl/Pokemon%20Great%20Collection%20(Kou%20Dai%20Guai%20Shou%20Da%20Ji%20He)%20(Box%20Front).jpg
- ↑ http://fuji.drillspirits.net/pix/gb-unl/Pokemon%20Great%20Collection%20(Kou%20Dai%20Guai%20Shou%20Da%20Ji%20He)%20(Cart%20+%20Manual).jpg
- ↑ http://fuji.drillspirits.net/pix/gb-unl/Pokemon%20Great%20Collection%20(Kou%20Dai%20Guai%20Shou%20Da%20Ji%20He)%20(Box%20Back).jpg
- ↑ http://bulbanews.bulbagarden.net/wiki/File:Spr_2g_025.png