Pokémon Diamond 2 and Jade 2
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Pokémon Diamond 2 (zh: 口袋妖怪钻石2 Kǒudài Yāoguài Zuànshí 2) and Pokémon Jade 2 (zh: 口袋妖怪翡翠2 Kǒudài Yāoguài Fěicuì 2) are bootlegged versions of Telefang 2. Like the first Pokémon Diamond and Jade bootlegs, the Power Version became Diamond 2, and the Speed Version became Jade 2. The similarities of the titles of the Telefang 2 bootlegs and the Chinese Telefang 1 bootlegs suggest that these may be by the same pirates. The only known versions of these bootlegs are in Chinese; however, there is also an Engrish version called Pokémon Ruby, which has no relation to the real game made by Game Freak and appears to be an attempted English translation of these games. Pokémon Diamond 2 and Jade 2 are far less known than the original Pokémon Diamond and Jade, and therefore do not have the same infamy that the original bootlegs have. As a result, Telefang 2's reputation among people outside of Japan is not as bad as Telefang 1's.

The female dragon from Shrek can be clearly seen on the boxart for Pokémon Jade 2. The image is taken from a screenshot of the first Shrek movie.[1] The box images are reused for the title screens of both games.
Title Screen[edit]

Unlike the first Diamond and Jade, the title screens have actual Pokémon characters. The Diamond 2 title screen has an Arcanine, and the two protagonists, Kris and Gold, from Pokémon Gold and Pokémon Crystal. Similar to the Diamond 1 title screen and box art, there are three diamonds on the bottom, suggesting that the pirates who bootlegged this game may be the same ones as the original Pokémon Diamond and Jade. The Jade 2 title screen also features Kris and Gold and has the female dragon from Shrek in the background instead of Arcanine, and has a jade at the bottom like Jade 1's title screen and box art, again suggesting that these are by the same pirates. Suprisingly on both versions, the original Press Start button remains from the original Telefang 2 title screen. The Smilesoft, Natsume, and Comic Bom Bom logos from the introduction are also replaced as well (this is unlike the original Pokémon Diamond and Jade, where it loads straight to the title screen). The Smilesoft logo is replaced with the Roman numeral "II", the Natsume logo is completely blank, and the Comic Bom Bom logo is replaced with the Roman numeral "I".
Nearly all of the text is in Chinese. However, the items and moves are not translated at all. They are instead given index numbers.
Bugs and Glitches[edit]
Diamond 2 and Jade 2 have less functional glitches, but more graphical ones.
- Diamond 2 crashes when the phone menu screen is accessed, making it only playable with a save state from a real version of Telefang 2 Power.
- Jade 2 can load the phone menu screen, but it is full of graphical glitches.
- The battery and reception indicators are missing, as is the "A: OK B: Cancel" text at the bottom.
- Various phone functions also have graphical glitches, such as viewing stats of Denjuu or looking at the Picture Book.
- There are also no other known glitches that affect gameplay apart from Diamond 2's inability to load the menu.
- Unlike the original Diamond/Jade bootlegs, Jade 2 can load a saved game.
Alternate boxart for Pokemon Diamond 2 that features Latios and 3 diamonds.
Back of alternate boxart for Pokemon Diamond 2.
Alternate boxart for Pokemon Jade 2 that features Lugia.
Back of alternate boxart for Pokemon Jade 2.
Alternate Pokemon Diamond 2 cartridge.
Back of alternate Pokemon Diamond 2 cartridge.
Alternate Pokemon Jade 2 cartridge.
Back of alternate Pokemon Jade 2 cartridge.
Chinese 7-in-1 box that shows Pokemon Jade 2.
Multicart that contains Pokemon Jade 2, numbered 1 and 4.