Pokémon Diamond and Jade (Chinese)

Pokémon Diamond (zh: 口袋怪兽 钻石版 Kǒudài Guàishòu Zuānshí Bǎn) and Pokémon Jade (zh: 口袋怪兽 翡翠版 Kǒudài Guàishòu Fěicuì Bǎn) are bootlegged versions of Telefang 1 in Simplified Chinese.
Title Screen[edit]

The Pokémon Diamond and Jade title screens are identical to the English version, except for the Chinese characters placed above and below their respective mascots.

Like the English Pokemon Diamond and Jade bootlegs, the style and design of the cartridges varies. The most common style of cartridge for the Chinese Pokemon Diamond and Jade versions is a translucent blue colour that says 'GAME' on the cart. The labels are largely the same as the boxart.
Unlike most copies of the English bootlegs, all known copies of the Chinese bootlegs can load a saved game properly.
Despite the boxart using Simplified Chinese, the bootlegs are written in Traditional Chinese, using large Hanzi to make up for their complicated nature confronted by the small Game Boy screen. This results in cutscenes being slightly longer, requiring significantly more A presses to get through. Additionally, some Denjuu-related phrases are broken and some menus are untranslated.
Denjuu are translated using phonetic transcription characters commonly seen in translations for franchises like, notably, Pokémon itself (eg. Pidgey is 波波 Bōbō, transcribed from ポッポ poppo). Due to having a 2-character limit, these phonetic transcriptions are often cut off, resulting in somewhat disjointed names. Some Denjuu are, however, given wholly unique names, such as Denfare being made 电话 (diànhuà), the word for telephone, and Octagun being made 塔枪 (tǎqiāng), where 枪 means gun.[1][2]
Hidden in the ROM is also the same font as used in the English Telefang 1 bootlegs, suggesting, with more evidence, such as similar translation mistakes, that the English version of Pokémon Diamond and Jade are based on the Chinese bootlegs.
Bootleg aside, the Chinese name for Telefang is commonly given as 携带电兽 (xiédài diànshòu), a direct translation of the Japanese name.[1]
Pokémon Jade boxart
Back view of Pokemon Diamond boxart.
Back view of Pokemon Jade boxart.
Pokémon Jade title screen.
Pokémon Jade cartridge
Alternate cartridge design for Pokemon Diamond.
Back of alternate Pokemon Diamond cartridge.