Pokémon Diamond and Jade (Spanish)

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Spanish Pokémon Jade boxart

Pokémon Diamond (es: Pokémon Edición Diamante) and Pokémon Jade (es: Pokémon Edición Jade) are bootlegs of Pokémon Diamond and Jade partially translated to Spanish.


Spanish Pokemon Diamond cartridge

The diamond boxart is similar to the English Pokémon Diamond and Jade complete with the unknown blue snake monster and numerous Chaos Emeralds. The background is a Jade green colour and styled like a black hole with yellow lines extending out of it. The diamond boxart also appears to try and emulate the official Spanish boxart for Pokémon Crystal, copying the various Nintendo and Pokémon logos as well as the Spanish phrases ¡Hazte con todos! (Get them all!) and ¡Lo último después de las Ediciones Oro y Plata! (The latest after the Gold and Silver Versions!) that are present on the official boxart. The boxart also states Edición Diamante (Diamond Edition).[1]

The boxart for Pokémon Jade also follows the English Pokémon Diamond and Jade boxart[2], reusing the art of the Shishigami from Princess Mononoke, but instead the background has been edited to feature the earth and a space setting. The Spanish phrase ¡Hazte con todos! is also present underneath the Pokémon logo. The box states Edición Jade (Jade Edition). In contrast to the Spanish Diamond boxart, the Jade boxart does not attempt to imitate Pokémon Crystal but instead just has the Nintendo logo on the left side and a golden Nintendo seal on the right side and the general Nintendo Gameboy Color strip down the left side.


The Spanish bootlegs are based on the English bootlegs; as such, the dialogue has many of the same mistranslations as the English ones, while various menus, items, Denjuu, location names and certain phrases like "e-monsters" and habitat types are left untranslated from the English bootlegs. Sentences lack inverted punctuation marks (¡¿), but accent marks are present. Profanity is present in the Spanish bootlegs, as is the case with the English ones.

Examples of dialogue that appear to be based on the English bootlegs include (note that this is not comprehensive):

  • "Es sedge!" (Comes from the Engrish "It must be sedge!", even though there was no mention of sedge in the Japanese version. Additionally, sedge is not a word in Spanish; the correct word would have been juncia.)
  • "Ah, qué peligroso, Sólo una persona puede volar allí." (Comes from the Engrish "Oh, it's dangerous... Up here, only one man can fly over." Both of these translations talk about a person flying, even though the original Japanese version only mentioned someone hitting a baseball.)
  • "Con rivales listos, menos herida!" (Comes from the Engrish "For the clever opponent, Injure increase!!", and is further mistranslated by using "menos" (less) instead of "más" (more).)
  • "Enfermedad grave!" (Comes from the Engrish "In severe illness!", which is itself a mistranslation from the Japanese "Critical!")

In addition, there are misspellings that are new to the Spanish translation. For example, "<number> cuenta perdid" appears when indicating how much damage is done to a Denjuu; apart from "cuenta" being somehow mistranslated from "points", "perdid" should have been "perdido". Another example is on the Fight/Position/Run screen; not only are the Position and Run options accidentally swapped, but are misspelled: "Huir" (run) is misspelled as "dehuir" (a word that doesn't exist), and "Posición" (position; already mistranslated from Status) is misspelled as "posicio". Also, curry is regularly misspelled as "curi", even though it is normally spelled the same way as in English.

Bugs and Glitches

In general, the glitches that occur in the English bootlegs occur in the Spanish ones as well. However, there are some differences:

Some glitches from the English bootlegs are absent:

  • Viewing items when the player has none does not crash the game.
  • Continuing after seeing the Game Over screen does not crash the game.
  • Pressing A+B+Select+Start does not crash the game.

However, at least one new bug exists:

  • The cursor in some dialogues has graphical issues. This can be seen when talking to Musa for the first time.



This bootleg was dumped in 2018. An IPS patch is available for download. Apply to the English version of Pokémon Jade. This patch has antipiracy removed.
