Items in Bugsite

From Wikifang, a definitive guide to Telefang, Dino Device and Bugsite
Revision as of 18:43, 29 January 2023 by Seasick (talk | contribs) (→‎List)
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# English Japanese Type Description Price
000 FE16G FE16G Chip
001 FE32G FE32G Chip
002 FE64G FE64G Chip
003 FE128G FE128G Chip
004 FE256G FE256G Chip
005 Stin16G スティン16G Chip
006 Stin32G スティン32G Chip
007 Stin64G スティン64G Chip
008 Stin128G スティン128G Chip
009 Stin256G スティン256G Chip
010 Ruger16G ルカ゛ー16G Chip
011 Ruger32G ルカ゛ー32G Chip
012 Ruger64G ルカ゛ー64G Chip
013 Ruger128G ルカ゛ー128G Chip
014 Ruger256G ルカ゛ー256G Chip
015 Tahiro16G タヒロ16G Chip
016 Tahiro32G タヒロ32G Chip
017 Tahiro64G タヒロ64G Chip
018 Tahiro128G タヒロ128G Chip
019 Tahiro256G タヒロ256G Chip
020 JA-8G JAー8G Chip シ゛ャンクせいのチッフ゜せいのうは ひくい
021 JA-p8G JAーp8G Chip
022 JA-s8G JAーs8G Chip
023 JA-m8G JAーm8G Chip シ゛ャンクせいのチッフ゜とくしゅか゛アッフ゜
024 JA-32G JAー32G Chip
025 JA-p32G JAーp32G Chip
026 JA-s32G JAーs32G Chip
027 JA-m32G JAーm32G Chip
028 JA-128G JAー128G Chip
029 JA-p128G JAーp128G Chip
030 JA-s128G JAーs128G Chip
031 JA-m128G JAーm128G Chip
032 Save heat セーフ゛ヒート Chip
033 Umbrella アンフ゛レラ Chip
034 Ground plug アースコンセント Chip
035 Full cowl フルカウル Chip
036 Hoverning ホハ゛ニンク゛ Chip
037 Shelter シェルター Chip
038 Growning ク゛ロウニンク゛ Chip
039 Dark rock タ゛ークロック Chip
040 Backdoor バックドア Vaccines and Tools
041 Vaccine LV1 ワクチンLV1 Vaccines and Tools An item that catches bugs and erases viruses. 100 円
042 Vaccine LV2 ワクチンLV2 Vaccines and Tools Stronger than Vaccine LV1 when catching Bugs.
043 Vaccine LV3 ワクチンLV3 Vaccines and Tools Stronger than Vaccine LV2 when catching Bugs.
044 Vaccine LV4 ワクチンLV4 Vaccines and Tools Stronger than Vaccine LV3 when catching Bugs.
045 Vaccine LV5 ワクチンLV5 Vaccines and Tools Stronger than Vaccine LV4 when catching Bugs.
046 FE Vacc FEワクチン Vaccines and Tools ハ゛ク゛を つかまえるときにつかうFEメーカーせんよう
047 Sting Vacc スティンク゛ワクチン Vaccines and Tools
048 Ruger Vacc ルカ゛ーワクチン Vaccines and Tools
049 TahiroVacc Vaccines and Tools
050 JanK Vacc Vaccines and Tools
051 AC Vaccine Vaccines and Tools
052 Repair Vaccines and Tools
053 High Repair Vaccines and Tools
054 SuperRepair Vaccines and Tools
055 Error Clear Vaccines and Tools
056 FE Zone Vaccines and Tools
057 Sting Zone Vaccines and Tools
058 Ruger Zone Vaccines and Tools
059 Tahiro Zone Vaccines and Tools
060 JanK Zone Vaccines and Tools
061 Scan Vaccines and Tools
062 Shock Guard Vaccines and Tools
063 Anti-blade Vaccines and Tools
064 Heat Cape Vaccines and Tools
065 Water Seal Vaccines and Tools
066 Elec-suit Vaccines and Tools
067 Air Wall Vaccines and Tools
068 Gliding Vaccines and Tools
069 BG Vaccines and Tools
070 Logic Bomb Vaccines and Tools
071 Freeze Vaccines and Tools
072 Sleep Vaccines and Tools
073 Power Up Vaccines and Tools
074 Power Down Vaccines and Tools
075 Protect Vaccines and Tools
076 Procra Vaccines and Tools
077 Speed Up Vaccines and Tools
078 Speed Down Vaccines and Tools
079 Scope Vaccines and Tools
080 SensorNoise Vaccines and Tools
081 Resource Clear Vaccines and Tools
082 Full Resource Vaccines and Tools
083 Clock up Vaccines and Tools
084 Clock down Vaccines and Tools
085 Restart Vaccines and Tools
086 EM Trap Vaccines and Tools
087 Guidance Vaccines and Tools
088 Proxy Vaccines and Tools
089 Password 01 Password
090 Password 02 Password
091 Password 03 Password
092 Release Key
093 Warehouse Key
094 Password 04 Password
095 Password 05 Password
096 Password 06 Password
097 Password 07 Password
098 Coral Handle
099 Password 08 Password
100 Password 09 Password
101 Password 10 Password
102 Army
103 Navy
104 Airforce