Wikifang:Telefang 1 Translation Patch/Bugs

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This is a list of known bugs in the Telefang 1 translation patch. This only includes bugs that the original Japanese game does not have, so any bugs that originated in the Japanese version will most likely not be fixed unless they are severe.

Current bugs[edit]

High priority[edit]

  • Pause Menu screens
    • The call log and text log seems to cut off Denjuu names.
    • We probably need a larger printable region for text messages. A number of messages overlap themselves.
  • Phone Call screens
    • When called by a Denjuu, species name is incorrect. I got a call from "Monstera" but it had the name "Tsunonasu".
    • When called by a Denjuu, random calls truncate Denjuu names at the top of the screen and are not centred.
  • "Are you calling me over?" message is formatted like an SMS
    • Name is still not centered correctly when receiving calls
    • Those calls you get when a Denjuu is late to battle don't properly clear the tiles for the name at the top before writing the centered text. This results in things like "CryKochia".
  • Overworld
    • Story item obtain message is improperly formatted
    • Giving your current Denjuu an item has a broken message
    • Yes/No question options are misaligned on this message (and possibly others)
      • Andwhyisit suggested we add new opcodes for question formatting so the inserter or game can handle it.
  • Inventory screen
    • Items menu has text overflow and tile overwriting issues
      • Items menu text is now correctly centered. However, text that genuinely overflows the box will still overwrite neighboring tiles. There is currently no fix for this: Translated item names must be clipped to fit.
  • Title screen
    • Title screen sample sounds like Vinny had his way with it on emulator
    • Replace the Japanese logo on the SGB border with the translated equivalent
  • Encounter screen
    • The name "Thundering Man" gets cut off during the battle intro for said T-Fanger at the top of the screen.
  • Battle screens
    • The status effect "frosted" is too long, and "confue" is kinda weird. Is there something we can do about those? Should we change the names, use icons, or draw the names onto custom tiles instead?
    • Stray tiles appear to the right of stat labels on the level up screen.
    • Move names are being sourced from the wrong location in the rom during the move learnt messages. It seems like it is grabbing from the old list, but using the doubled offsets and lengths applied to the current list, but I haven't confirmed this yet. In any case the move name is either completely wrong and in caps, or just garbled binary data.
      • andwhyisit: At 1D:4C09 "ld hl,46F8" needs to become "ld hl,5890". This fixes the move learnt messages.
  • Victory screen
    • The "Got X's phone number!" text in the message box seems to trucate Denjuu names.
  • Status screen
    • Another stray tile can sometimes appear next to ???? moves in the Denjuu stat screens.
    • The moves "Numbing Sting" and "Harpoon Missile" are too long. "Harpoon Missile" in particular causes graphical issues on Denjuu stat pages.
  • Lab/Fusion Evolution
    • Denjuu names in the message box during lab or fusion evolution seem to use old full caps names. Unlike the "move learnt" messages the names line up with the Denjuu being referenced.
    • The upper-right corner of the fusion and lab evolution screens are still in Japanese. More of an observation than a bug.
  • Zukan screen
    • The Denjuu type on index pages can get cut off. It might be worth aligning types to the left for more space.
  • Text Inserter
    • The text inserter inserts line breaks 1px or 2px too late at times. (Test case: "When Nejiro Telefangs he" is formatted as a single line and gets cut off at the end.)
    • The text inserter should probably remove whitespace from the start of a dialogue sequence. There are a few cases of a single space creeping into the start of a line.
    • The text inserter occasionally messes up newlines in dialogue. (TODO: May be more accurately described as one of the other inserter issues)
  • Noisy's nickname is super garbled. (INFO: Noisy is a special Denjuu you obtain as part of a story event. It has a preset nickname that cannot be changed and that is pulled from a table that has not yet been translated.)

Low priority[edit]

  • When playing in monochrome mode (i.e. GB or SGB mode), tiles in the D-Shot menu screen are corrupted. This is because tiles for monochrome systems are loaded differently from tiles for the GBC.
  • Certain move, habitat, and item names are too long to fit and get cut off, or overwrite other data.
  • When selecting "Calls" from the D-Shot menu and selecting a Denjuu, the sprite is the wrong one.
  • Code for adding diacritics (dakuten and handakuten, e.g. ほ to ぼ to ぽ) was not updated for Latin scripts. The replacement table assumes the Japanese kana character set and both functions don't disable the VWF when drawing names. It should have a new replacement table that cycles through grave accents, acute accents, umlauts, and so on within the Latin-1 character set.
  • Menu tiles need to be redrawn to fit current font (some tiles are squished)
  • No SGB palettes have been defined for this game. In general, the builtin SGB support appears to be completely unused, as if they had copypasted it from another project.
    • Define reasonable SGB palettes for title screen, menu, overworld, etc
    • Alter menu screens to make use of SGB attribute-set commands
    • Use SFC OAM instead of DMG OAM for sprites

Japanese version bugs[edit]

  • Map data
    • Should we do something about that doorless house in Freesia? It tells me that the non-existant door is locked. Should we remove the door event?
  • Overworld
    • The shop keeper doesn't stop you from buying an item you have 99 of. While the game does auto-discard anything over 99 of a given item, the problem is that the shopkeeper takes your money for an item you never receive. Is this something that we should address in the patch? (NOTE: How the hell did this get through Smilesoft QA?!)
  • RTC functionality
    • Game corrupts saves when RTC not present
    • New game always starts at 00:00 when RTC not present. (Reproduces on non-RTC Everdrive carts and with a modified no-RTC header on emulators.)