
From Wikifang, a definitive guide to Telefang, Dino Device and Bugsite
Revision as of 06:12, 30 April 2023 by Torchickens (talk | contribs)
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Hi, I'm Evie (aka EvieMelody, Torchickens, Chickasaurus). I like Telefang. Like many people, I learned about the games from the bootlegs Pokémon Diamond and Jade. I beat Telefang 1 a long time ago, and collected the tankobon of the Telefang 1 manga and also bought Telefang 2. I never beat Telefang 2 though, and never properly read the fan translated manga. I might get back into the series for nostalgia (and when the Telefang 1 Patch is completed I'd love to play it again). I also beat Bugsite, haven't completed Dino Device, Dino Device 2 or Digital Ehon yet though.

I like learning about other lesser-talked about games and monster battling games too. I used to be a really active The Legendary Starfy (Densetsu no Stafy) fan, but now I'm a lot more casual. Currently, I invest most of my time on YouTube uploading videos about Pokémon glitches on ChickasaurusGL, have been investing more time on my other channel EvieMelody (formally Torchickens), and documenting Sanrio/Hello Kitty on Sanrio Wiki.


Some other sites where you can find me: