Battle Denjuu

Battle Denjuu, full name Vibra Fighting System Battle Denjuu (Japanese: バイブルファイティングシステム バトル電獣), are a set of battery-operated Telefang figures released in Japan by Takara Toys.
Made in 2000, the toys were originally sold in Japanese stores for 980 yen. Currently, the toys are no longer in production and can generally only be found through resellers on websites such as Yahoo! Auctions Japan and Rakuten. [1] Though they are usually sold as store overstock lots for quite cheap, they are rather rare to come across and are the only known Telefang merchandise other than guide books, manga, promotional keychains, and promotional Power Antenna figures.
The full set consists of Crypto, Fungus, Angios, and Gymnos. Approximately three inches high, each figure contains a two-wheeled removable engine powered by a single AA battery. Accessories packaged with the figures include replaceable wheels (each comes with a pair of "normal" wheels, and a pair of either "power" or "speed" wheels depending on Denjuu), a small plastic D-Shot, and two "wireless signals" which are spring-loaded into the D-Shot to fire at the Denjuu. The Denjuu's head and jaws are spring-loaded to flip open when hit, which stops the motor from running.
Included in the Battle Denjuu's packaging are instructions for usage, including several suggestions on games to play with the Denjuu including making an arena out of chopsticks and putting two Denjuu inside, and making an obstacle course for the Denjuu to navigate while dodging D-Shot signals. Also included with the instructions is the secret phone number for Salal, which was later re-released on Smilesoft's website mid-late 2002.
Adverts for the toys featured in the Japanese monthly comic Comic Bom Bom from March 2000 onwards and were promoted along with the games. In the March 2001 issue of Comic Bom Bom, a special limited Gold Crypto and Silver Fungus figure were part of a promotion.
The figures were also advertised in the April 2001 issue of 64 Dream.
Crypto's card front.
Crypto's card back.
Fungus's card front.
Fungus's card back.
Angios's card front.
Angios's card back.
Gymnos's card front.
Gymnos's card back.
Crypto's packaging front.
Crypto's packaging back.
Gymnos's packaging front.
Gymnos's packaging back.
Instructions included with Gymnos, front.
Instructions included with Gymnos, back.
Salal's number as it appears in the instructions.
A large ad spread from Comic BomBom, showing Crypto romanized as Crypt.
Ad from Comic BomBom featuring the original price of 980 yen.
Comic BomBom promotion featuring the gold Crypto and silver Fungus.
April 2001 issue of 64 Dream page 120.