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#053 Tessen #054 Heliopsis Hagumanoki #056 Gilerth #057 Raygarth
ハグマノキ / Hagumanoki
No. 055 Bootleg: Sumac
Stage Techno Denjuu
Type Forest
Exp. Item  Ray Gun

Hagumanoki is a Forest-type Denjuu.

Name etymology[edit]

Named after Hagumanoki, the Japanese name for the Cotinus genus.


Field Guide Description
Telefang 1 おおきなツノで てきをはさみ せなかのビームでこうげきする
Diamond/Jade Grasp the enemy by huge claw.
English Translation It holds its opponent between its two large pincers and attacks by firing a beam from its back.
Arrived Phrase
Power/Speed ついたクワ
Diamond/Jade Arrived
English Translation I'm here, beet!
Attack Phrase
Power/Speed いちころクワ
Diamond/Jade Let's go!
English Translation I'll beet you up!
Favored Item Call
Power/Speed ハグマノキってデンジュウは 『ビームガン』を こよなく あいする デンジュウなんだって どんなデンジュウか オレは みたことないんだけどさ
Diamond/Jade The e-monster named as SUMAC likes 『L-gun』 very much. What does he look like? I have never seen him before.
English Translation


This Denjuu is obtained from the secret phone number 05#-48*6-38#20, and therefore cannot be nicknamed unless traded. It is always obtained at level 30, with a  Careless personality. Hagumanoki's home area is Freesia.

The phone number was originally revealed on a Japanese TV commercial that broadcast in November 2000, and was later printed in the March 2001 issue of Comic Bom Bom. It was also printed in the last volume of the Telefang manga, and could later be found on the official Telefang website.


Moves of Hagumanoki
From start Scissor
From start Defend
From start Claw
From start Stag Beam

Base Stats[edit]

Stat Base Stats Growth per 2 levels Max
Denjuu Most Denjuu Most Denjuu Most
Hit Points 35
46 2
4 133
Speed 10
20 1
2 59
Attack 20
22 3
3 167
Defense 15
20 2
3 113
Denma Attack 10
22 2
3 108
Denma Defense 13
20 2
3 111
Total 103
137 12
16 691
See Telefang 1 Denjuu by: base stats | stat growth | max stats

Exp. Items[edit]

 Archery Set,  Phone,  Spanner,  Ray Gun,  Phone Card,  Game Machine,  Plush Toy,  BomBom,  Lunatium,  Round Metal
