Wikifang:Bugsite Walkthrough/Part 2

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Part 2 - Ami Land

Nanohana Town

Your mother will once again wake you up. Go downstairs and she will tell you that you're going to be late for school! Leave your house and you'll meet Yui. She'll share her email address with you and go ahead to school. The school is located northwest of your house.


Talk to your teacher and she will tell you that the school's computer is acting up, so you can't get inside the school building for now. Both the teacher and Yui will mention that someone from Guardian will be needed to fix it... Just in time, your father will send you an email explaining that he received reports about what happened on your school. He will ask you to take on the mission by going back to Ami Techno Area using the computer at the school's Broadcasting Room to gather information.

Ami Techno Land

Go inside the Broadcasting Room through the broken window and use the computer's Access Point. Dive into Site Gate A and go back to Ami Techno Area. You can now buy items around the area in any of the Shops or by talking to the Street Vendors. One of the CPU Shops is locked, though. It's for adults only!

Go back to Yamaneko Shop, where you met Spiral. The Manager will apologize to you, saying he had no idea you were with the Guardian. He'll give you Password 02 and Password 03, which are the remaining Passwords you can use in Site Gate A. He'll also tell you about the Safari Area, where you can go to find new Bugs to add to your team.

  • Password 02: AMFE05
    • Used to unlock Ami Safari Area
  • Password 03: AMFE03
    • Used to unlock Amiland

Now go back to Site Gate A using the northwestern Access Point in Ami Techno Area. You can now unlock Ami Safari Area (second gate from the right) using the password AMFE05 and Amiland (third gate from the right) using the password AMFE03.

Ami Land

Ami Land has a few new optional areas you can explore. There's the Guardian building, where you can link up with other players to battle and trade Bugs. There are Bugs exclusive to Alpha Version and Bugs exclusive to Beta Version, so you'll need to trade to complete your Bug List. There's also the Pavilion, a facility where you can learn more about local companies (like FE for Ami Land). After you're done exploring, you should go north, where the Trinity Building is. A guard is protecting it, so you'll need to beat him to proceed.

Name Japanese Bug 1 Prize Share Email?
Security Guard ガードマン Band Ver 4 6000 円 No

Trinity Building

Trinity Building is the first dungeon of the game and it can be a bit confusing. If you talk to people in the Lobby, they'll tell you about the weird new manager, which could be connected to Weldehide... Well, the main elevator is locked, so you'll need to proceed through the hole on the right wall. This will get you to Trinity Building B1F, which is divided in two areas. Both areas have an Access Point.

Trinity Building B1F Hackers (Area 1)

Name Japanese Bug 1 Prize Share Email?
Kokkuri コックリ Jitty Ver 5 4000 円 No
Toko トコ Paralle Ver 5 4000 円 Yes
Bang-Bang バンバン Trappy Ver 5 4000 円 No

Trinity Building B1F Hackers (Area 2)

Name Japanese Bug 1 Prize Share Email?
Wonyoung ウエニョン Anim Ver 5 4000 円 Yes
Ouchi オーチ OP Ver 5 4000 円 Yes
Yage ヤゲ IRC Ver 5 4000 円 No
Sakkie サッキィ ***@ Ver 5 4000 円 No

Go upstairs and you'll be in Trinity Building 1F. It's a looping area with five doors. Four of them are designed like playing card suits, and the other one, which you came from, is designed like a jester.

Trinity Building 1F Hackers

Name Japanese Bug 1 Prize Share Email?
Security Guard ガードマン Band Ver 4 6000 円 No
Security Guard ガードマン Band Ver 4 6000 円 No

The Spades Door will take you back B1F to the previously inaccessible area where you can fight Ouchi and Sakkie. The Clubs Door will take you to Trinity Building 2F and both the Diamond Door and Heart Door will take you to different sections of Trinity Building 3F. To progress, you need to move through the Heart Door, which will take you to 3F. If you don't wanna explore around, skip the next paragraph.

In Trinity Building 2F, will find some Weldehide members for the first time. You can battle them if you choose. Just like 1F, there's a set of Card Suite doors, but this time the Diamond and Hearts door won't open. The Spades Door is wide open and will take you to another side of Trinity Building, where the Card Suite Doors have the picture of a King. To make things clearer, I'll refer to this side as King Side. You'll come out of the wide open King of Spades Door in 1F. Going through the King of Diamond Door right next to it will take you to Trinity Building 3F, right next to a Diamond Door that will take you to the regular side of 1F.

Weldehide Members

Name Japanese Bug 1 Prize Share Email?
Weldehide A ウェルデハイドA RPC Ver 5 5000 円 No
Weldehide B ウェルデハイドB RPC Ver 5 5000 円 No
Weldehide C ウェルデハイドC Paralle Ver 5 5000 円 No

Take the Hearts Door in 1F and move to the left to wrap around the area. Enter the wide open Spades Door and you'll find yourself in King Side 2F. Enter the King of Diamonds Door and you'll get to King Side 3F. There's an Access Point here to save, if needed. When you're ready, go through yet another King of Diamonds Door and you'll be at the 4F, where the Control Device is. Inside, you'll find Kamisen, Trinity Building's manager and one of Weldehide's executive. He'll make fun of you, saying that Guardian isn't the same anymore to send a child to fight him, so you gotta show him all you've got! Focus on Errorme first, since it can put your Bugs to sleep.

Name Japanese Bug 1 Bug 2 Prize Share Email?
Manager Kamisen カミセンぶちょう Jitty Ver 8 Errorme Ver 8 16000 円 No

After defeating him, he'll reveal that Weldehide's plan was to use the Control Device antenna to release jamming waves to affect computers in the real world. You'll get the Release Key, which can be used on the antenna to stop the jamming waves. As soon as it's fixed, you'll be back in the Broadcasting Room in your school. Go outside and talk to Yui. She'll ask you where you have been and say that, while we were gone, someone from Guardian fixed the school computer. Who could it have been, I wonder… This concludes your first mission as a member of the Guardian! Congratulations!