Wikifang:Bugsite Walkthrough/Part 4

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Nanohana Town[edit]

Your mother will wake you up once again. Go downstairs and she'll tell you Yui is feeling lonely because you've been suddenly disappearing all the time. Well... That's the life of a Guardian Hacker I guess. Try to leave your house and you'll get an email from your father praising you for your work as a Guardian Hacker so far but he will also tell you that you should keep your school grades in mind. The message will cut short, and your mother will tell you that there's something up with TVs and Phones lately. She asks you to go to the Broadcasting Center next to Mount Kitayama in the outskirts of town to find out what's happening.

Leave your house and Yui will be there. She'll ask you to deliver her dad's lunch at the Broadcasting Center, since something urgent came up and she can't go there. You can get to the outskirts by going north from your house three areas. Yui's dad will be just outside of the Broadcasting Center. Talk to him and deliver his lunch. He was starving, so that'll make him very happy! He'll tell you that something's up with the antenna... He'll tell you that you can get inside the Broadcasting Center by taking the side path to the left. He warns you that it could be dangerous, though.

Walk the short path and get inside the Broadcasting Center. Dive into the computer there and you'll be in Site Gate C!

Air Land[edit]

You'll find Wahaha, the founder of Ruger, in Site Gate C. He'll tell you that while he was visiting some other areas in Bugsite, someone snuck into Rugers HQ and now it can't be accessed from the outside. He had sent some subordinates to take a look, but none came back... He'll give you Password 08, which can be used to access Air Land where Ruger HQ is located. He'll also tell you that you can find the other passwords for Air Techno Area and Air Safari Area there.

  • Password 08: RUGE85
    • Used to unlock Airland

Use the password in the first gate available from the left to the right and you'll be able to go to Air Land. Just like the other areas, Air Land features a Guardian building and a Pavilion. There's also an Access Point in each extremity, which is very convenient. A NPC on the southeast corner will give you a SuperRepair when you talk to her. You'll also be able to fight some Hackers and share email with a few of them.

Air Land Hackers[edit]

Name Japanese Bug 1 Bug 2 Bug 3 Prize Share Email?
Saorin サオリン Paralle Ver 16 Button Ver 16 Sector Ver 16 12000 円 Yes
Urchin アーチャン ***@ Ver 16 Accele Ver 16 Idle Ver 16 12000 円 Yes

Ruger HQ[edit]

Move towards the center of Air Land and get inside the building labeled Up, with an anchor right in front of it. Interact with the Antenna Tower to get inside Ruger HQ. As soon as you get inside, you'll be in Wahaha's room. He'll send you an email and tell you that you can find the remaining Passwords right on the first floor. He'll also warn you that there are some switches around that can change a floor's layout but he doesn't remember how it works exactly. To get the passwords, simply go to the right and interact with the computer besides the desk.

  • Password 09: RUGE10
    • Used to unlock Air Techno Area
  • Password 10: RUGE05
    • Used to unlock Air Safari Area

If you go back to Site Gate C now, you can unlock the rest of the gates. The rightmost one is Air Techno Area, and the one beside it is Air Safari Area. Move upstairs and use the Exit square to move to the Generator Computer's Room.

Tahiro HQ Weldehide Members[edit]

Name Japanese Bug 1 Bug 2 Prize Share Email?
Weldehide A ウェルデハイドA Surface Ver 16 Surface Ver 16 11000 円 No
Weldehide B ウェルデハイドB Kilobaud Ver 16 Sector Ver 16 11000 円 No
Weldehide C ウェルデハイドC Surface Ver 16 Surface Ver 16 11000 円 No

Tahiro HQ Generator Area Hackers[edit]

Name Japanese Bug 1 Bug 2 Bug 3 Prize Share Email?
Tokkuri トックリ Jitty Ver 16 OCN Ver 16 Pad Ver 16 12000 円 No
Tsumura ツームラ Trappy Ver 16 OCN Ver 16 Pivot Ver 16 12000 円 No
Yanotchi ヤノッチ IRC Ver 16 Accele Ver 16 Raster Ver 16 12000 円 No
Deku デク Anim Ver 16 Gif Ver 16 Idle Ver 16 12000 円 No
Sugisugi スギスギ Op Ver 16 Restar Ver 16 Pivot Ver 16 12000 円 No

Once inside the Generator Computer's Room, you'll find said computer between two exits to the north. Both exits take you to Generator Room A, but it changes layout depending on what color the lights around the computer are. Default is Orange and, when interacting with it, it changes to Green. You don't need to interact with this computer at all to complete the dungeon but it will change what Bugs and NPCs are available in the following map.

Generator Room A is a small labyrinth. There's a second computer inside this room, which will change the layout of the next room (Generator Room B). It's hidden from view, but you can locate it by the Orange/Green lights around it, just like the computer in the Generator Computer's Room. Keep in mind that this PC must be left as Orange since Generator Room B-Green doesn't connect to the boss room. If you're interested in exploring the altered Room B, the computer's position will change depending on the layout of Room A.

  • Generator Room A (Orange): next to the top-right exit. Since both sides are connected in this layout, it doesn't matter which Generator Computer's Room door you use to access Generator Room A.
  • Generator Room B (Green): you must use the right door in the prior room. The PC is located somewhat in the middle of the labyrinth. Keep in mind that this path should only be used if you want to explore Room B-Green or fight against the Hackers in Room B-Orange, since the labyrinth is locked off from this side and you can't access the boss room.

Once you get through Room B-Orange, you'll find yourself in yet another room, with a very big computer right at the center. You'll face another Weldehide executive here! He's Roche, and he'll tell you that, unlike Kamisen and Savarka, he won't lose to you. Time to fight!

Boss: Roche[edit]

Name Japanese Bug 1 Bug 2 Bug 3 Prize Share Email?
Roche ロッシュ Kilobaud Ver 20 Raster Ver 20 Ack Ver 20 32000 円 No

Once defeated, Roche will recognize your abilities as a Hacker and will tell you that you can stop the jamming signal by turning off the computer behind him. This should solve the current crisis, but he warns you that this won't delay their big plan, whatever that is...

After the main computer is turned off, you'll get an email from your father. He'll connect you directly to the Access Point in your house, and you'll be teleported there for a brief moment. Surprise, there's a new face in town! It's Dr. Gospel, the founder and leader of Guardian. He'll also recognize your abilities as a Hacker and promote you to A-Rank. Congratulations! This will allow you to equip stronger Chips in your Bugs. Your father is very happy about it too. Dr. Gospel will tell you there's an even higher rank, S-Rank, and that you should keep up your good work to achieve it.

You'll be back into Ruger HQ for a brief scene with Riesren. He will congratulate you for achieving A-Rank and give you a Proxy. This will allow you to look like an adult, which means you can now enter any of the +18 Stores in every Tech Area! There's actually nothing really adult in any of them, just some more options for items and Bugs. As you leave the Broadcasting Building, you'll meet Yui and her father. Once again, Yui will nag you about where you have been, after all, Guardian has once again saved the day! Her father will also once again thank you for delivering his lunch. Yet another mission completed!