Wikifang:Bugsite Walkthrough/Part 3

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Part 3 - Sea Land & The Mysterious Dark Shadow

Nanohana Town

Once again your mother will wake you up. Yui told her that you didn't do your homework yesterday… She tells you to finish it, but we can just leave the house anyway. Yui will be outside, saying that something's up at the harbor, so you should check it out. The harbor is located northeast of your house. You can get there by going up two screens, then moving all the way to the right. Once you are at the harbor, go down one screen and move to the right, until you get to the Harbor Warehouse. Approach the door and you'll hear some people talking on the other side, and they're discussing some operation in Sea Land… You'll soon get an email from your father, saying that the harbor is in a dire situation. The ships can't leave! He asks you to find an Access Point at the harbor.

Since the Warehouse is locked, you'll need a key. Go down one screen and go to the right. There will be a sailor next to the ship. Talk to him, and he'll lend you the Warehouse Key. Go back to the Warehouse and unlock the door. Once inside, you'll see a mysterious figure that was talking about the Sea Land operation… He'll accuse you of eavesdropping but he has no time to deal with you, so he dives into Bugsite. Time to dive into it, too!

Site Gate B

After diving, you'll be in Site Gate B! There's a box in your way that you can't miss. Interact with it, and you'll get Password 04, which allows you to open the leftmost gate.

  • Password 04: STIN40
    • Used to unlock Sea Resort Area

Sea Resort Area

Going through the gate will get you to Sea Resort Area. This small area contains two Access Points and a Bug Shop. Keep in mind that, to proceed, you need to have at least one Sting Bug. If you caught an OCN in Trinity Building you'll be fine, otherwise you could buy any of the Bugs being sold in the Bug Shop here.

Move to the center of the area. As you approach the mysterious person, he'll jump into the Submarine Cable. Talk to the NPC blocking your path and he'll fight you!

Name Japanese Bug 1 Prize Share Email?
Shadow's Follower かげのぶか Accele Ver 6 16000 円 No

Once he's defeated, go through the Submarine Cable and you'll be in the Dragon Palace's Lobby. Go to the left and you'll meet the mysterious person once again, so follow him to the Processing Plant! After crossing this small area, you'll finally be able to talk to the mysterious person but he'll accuse you of being a Weldehide spy. It's time to fight!

Name Japanese Bug 1 Bug 2 Prize Share Email?
File:B-BlackShadow-F.png Black Shadow くろいかげ Button Ver 8 Current Ver 8 No Prize No

After he's defeated and you clear your name, he'll present himself as Riesren. He's your fellow Guardian Hacker, and he's B-Rank, just like you! He congratulates you for the job well done in Ami Land, but also tells you that from now on you're rivals. He'll give you the remaining passwords for Site Gate B, and then say you should go to Sea Land, since something suspicious is going on. He'll also share his email with you!

  • Password 05: STIN94
    • Used to unlock Sealand
  • Password 06: STIN10
    • Used to unlock Sea Techno Area
  • Password 07: STIN05
    • Used to unlock Sea Safari Area

Go back through the Dragon Palace and jump back into the Submarine Cable. Once back at Sea Resort Area, use the south Access Point to go back to Site Gate B. You're now able to unlock every gate here. From right to left, the gates will lead you to Sea Techno Area, Sea Safari Area and Sea Land. Just like Riesren said, your destination should be Sea Land, but it's recommended that you visit both Sea Safari Area and Sea Techno Area. If you visit Yamaneko's Shop in Sea Techno Area, you'll exchange email with the Manager, which will update his item selection later in the game. You can also exchange email with the Fisherman by the pond in Sea Safari Area. He'll email you if he finds any cool Bug.Once you're ready, move to Sea Land.

Sea Land

This is a massive area that houses a few shops and different buildings. Just like Ami Land, you can also find a Guardian building here to link to other players and a Pavilion to learn more about the local maker, Sting. To the west there's a building labeled as Sea Goddess, and it will take you back to the Dragon Palace's Lobby through a previously locked door. There are multiple Hackers around Sea Land that you can fight.

Sea Land Hackers

Name Japanese Bug 1 Bug 2 Prize Share Email?
Chikuri チクリ Jitty Ver 8 OCN Ver 8 8000 円 Yes
Nonchi ノンチ IRC Ver 8 Accele Ver 8 8000 円 Yes
Shimishimi シミシミ Paralle Ver 8 Button Ver 8 8000 円 No
Townsfolk まちのひと Accele Ver 4 OCN Ver 4 5000 円 No

Wastewater Facility

Weldehide Members

Name Japanese Bug 1 Bug 2 Prize Share Email?
Weldehide A ウェルデハイドA Pre Ver 10 OCN Ver 10 10000 円 No
Weldehide B ウェルデハイドB Accele Ver 10 Debug Ver 10 10000 円 No
Weldehide C ウェルデハイドC Accele Ver 10 Debug Ver 10 10000 円 No

Your destination in Sea Land is the Dragon Palace's Wastewater Facility. Move north until you reach a building labeled as Gate and enter it. This dungeon is much simpler than Trinity Building in Ami Land, as you only need to press some buttons to lower the water level to proceed. As soon as you get inside the Wastewater Facility, you'll be in Room A. Press the red button on the floor and this will lower the water level in the next room. Then, move up to Room B.

Room B is a small labyrinth. Cross it and press the button on the east side of the maze to lower the water level in the next room, then go back to the beginning and use the elevator to go to the lower level. Walk below the bridges to the northeastern exit to get to Room C.

Wastewater Facility Room B Hackers

Name Japanese Bug 1 Bug 2 Prize Share Email?
Coco コッコ Anim Ver 10 Gif Ver 10 9000 円 Yes

Room C is yet another labyrinth but this time you don't need to press any buttons. Use the elevator to get to the lower floor and go north into the Dragon Palace's Wastewater Treatment Room.

Wastewater Facility Room C Hackers

Name Japanese Bug 1 Bug 2 Prize Share Email?
Juppe ジュッペ OP Ver 10 Restar Ver 10 9000 円 Yes

Wastewater Treatment Room

You're finally in the last room! Proceed upwards through the winding path and you'll meet Riesren once again but… He has just been defeated by Savarka, yet another of Weldehide's executives. Time to fight!

Name Japanese Bug 1 Bug 2 Prize Share Email?
Savarka サバーカ Gif Ver 13 Gigo Ver 13 24000 円 Yes

After being defeated, Savarka will recognize you as the Hacker that defeated Kamisen, then give you the Coral Handle. Use it on the device just above and it will be fixed, which means the ships in the real world will be able to leave the harbor once again. Hooray!

Back in the real world, Riesren will thank you for the help. Go to the left and talk to Yui. She'll say that the ship can now safely leaving the harbor thanks to the Guardian. Another mission completed!