Natural Denjuu

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NatMon (Natural Monsters, Japanese: 自然電獣, Romaji: Shizen denjuu) are first-stage (basic) Denjuu. All NatMons evolve into BigMon by levelling up.

Evolutionary chains

It is possible for NatMons to have this chain, which Tsunonasu has:

NatMon → lv up → BigMon → lv up → SupMon → lv up → TruMon

They can also have the more complicated alternative chain; shown below is an example from Krypto's chain:

Lv. 20
Lv. 40
Lv. 60
R-Gun L-Gun

They also have the other possibilty of a 3-stage chain; shown below is an example from Kesi's chain, where the third Denjuu is a reform evolved TecMon:

Lv. 24

There also exists the chain similar to Krypto's, but there is no TruMon involved, and the third stage is only able to reform evolve into a MacMon. An example is Puinica's chain.

Also, similarly, there is another chain similar to Krypto's but has no TecMon or TruMon involved. An example is Suguri's chain.

A two stage chain also exists where it ends at BigMon. An example is Teropea's chain.

See also