Telefang 1 Power/Speed (Chinese)

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Telefang 1 Power/Speed (Chinese) (Chinese title: 攜帶電獸度力版/攜帶電獸加速版) are Chinese bootlegs of the Power and Speed versions of Telefang 1.


The boxart is taken from the Japanese limited versions of Telefang 1 and is a direct copy. The strip on the left reads 'Gema Boy Color' and the words 'Gema' and 'Boy' are written in shiny silver letters, whereas the original limited Telefang versions had the 'Game Boy' letters in dark blue. There is also a line of Chinese text at the bottom of both boxes which is not present on the original boxart. The text reads 'Portable Electric Beast - Power version' and 'Portable Electric Beast - Speed version' but is placed on the opposite box version to the one stated (ie. Power version text is placed on Speed version).[1]


Telefang Speed cartridge

Unlike the official Telefang GBC cartridges (which are black in color), these cartridges are grey. The sticker label feautures the limited boxart and also the Chinese version text from the main box. Suprisingly, the silver 'GEMA BOY' text on the boxart is the correct dark blue color and spelt correctly as 'Gameboy' suggesting the label is edited from the official boxart. The red Gameboy sticker in the left hand corner also tilts to the right, when on the official boxart it would tilt to the left. The red sticker would also not be present on the real cartridges, showing again that the bootleg boxart was directly copied for the label. The label is also missing an official product code that would be present on genuine cartrdges.


Bugs and Glitches
