
From Wikifang, a definitive guide to Telefang, Dino Device and Bugsite
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#040 Cryptoarm #041 Shellstera Fungeist #043 Balltamus #044 Burenica
ファンガイスト / fangaisuto
No. 042 Bootleg: Fangist
Stage Techno Denjuu
Type Grassland
Exp. Item  Gatling Gun
Ringtone 0:08

Fungeist is a Grassland-type Denjuu.

Name etymology[edit]

Most likely a combination of Fungus and geist, the German word for spirit/ghost.


Field Guide Description
Telefang 1 せなかには きょうりょくな じゅうを そうびしている
Diamond/Jade Fire gun is equipped on back.
English Translation It's equipped with a powerful gun on its back.
Arrived Phrase
Power/Speed おまたせしました!
Diamond/Jade Long wait
English Translation Thanks for waiting!
Attack Phrase
Power/Speed いきますよー!
Diamond/Jade Attack!
English Translation Here I go...!
Favored Item Call
Power/Speed ファンガイストって 『ガトリング』がいいんだぜー これは オレしか しらないかも しれないけどなー ヘっヘっヘっ オレを トモダチにして よかったろ?
Diamond/Jade FANGIST seems to prefer 『Machine cannon』. Maybe only me know it. Ah Ah Ah, is that great having me as your friend?
English Translation Y'know, Fungeist loves gatling guns! I might be the only one in the WORLD who knows that. Heh heh heh, I bet you're glad I'm your friend!



Moves of Fungeist
From start Missile Punch
From start Protect
From start Assault
From start Dragon Missile

Base Stats[edit]

Stat Base Stats Growth per 2 levels Max
Denjuu Most Denjuu Most Denjuu Most
Hit Points 38
46 3
4 185
Speed 16
20 2
2 114
Attack 16
22 2
3 114
Defense 13
20 2
3 111
Denma Attack 9
22 2
3 107
Denma Defense 10
20 2
3 108
Total 102
137 13
16 739
See Telefang 1 Denjuu by: base stats | stat growth | max stats

Exp. Items[edit]

 Gatling Gun,  Microwave,  Phone,  Ray Gun,  Phone Card,  Game Machine,  Plush Toy,  BomBom,  Lunatium,  Round Metal
