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#045 Geron #046 Berzelia Nigella #048 Musa #049 Netaro
ニゲラ / Nigera
No. 047 Bootleg: Nigera
Stage Techno Denjuu
Type Aquatic
Exp. Item  Archery Set
Ringtone 0:12

Nigella is an Aquatic-type Denjuu.

Name etymology[edit]

Named after Nigella, a genus of flowering plants commonly known as nigella, devil-in-a-bush or love in a mist. This Denjuu's appearance is somewhat reminiscent of the plants' needle-like leaves.


Field Guide Description
Telefang 1 からだじゅうにある トゲを てきにとばして しびれさせる
Diamond/Jade Make the enemy palsy by sticks.
English Translation It sends some of the spikes covering its body at its opponents, numbing them.
Arrived Phrase
Power/Speed ゲッゲゲゲゲゲ
Diamond/Jade Gugu!
English Translation Geh-heheheheh!
Attack Phrase
Power/Speed トゲだらけー!
Diamond/Jade Be stabbed!
English Translation Spikes all over!
Favored Item Call
Power/Speed なぁなぁー ニゲラってデンジュウ みたことある?? ニゲラが『アーチェリー』を つけると けいけんちアップって はなししってる?? みためからして とがったモノを とばすの すきそうだもんなー
Diamond/Jade Alas, alas Have you seen the electric monster named as NIGERA? Do you know if NIGERA is added 『Shooter』, his experience value will be increased? From his outlook, he seems to like jumping acuate things.
English Translation


Paparouna Lake, Lvs. 29-31


Moves of Nigella
From start Needle
From start Lick
From start Numbing Sting

Base Stats[edit]

Stat Base Stats Growth per 2 levels Max
Denjuu Most Denjuu Most Denjuu Most
Hit Points 40
46 2
4 138
Speed 12
20 1
2 61
Attack 13
22 2
3 111
Defense 12
20 3
3 159
Denma Attack 11
22 1
3 60
Denma Defense 15
20 2
3 113
Total 103
137 11
16 642
See Telefang 1 Denjuu by: base stats | stat growth | max stats

Exp. Items[edit]

 Archery Set,  Iron,  Phone,  Antenna,  Phone Card,  Game Machine,  Plush Toy,  BomBom,  Titallium,  Gaiamond



Nigella is the only fully-evolved Denjuu which does not learn a Denma attack.