Recover (move)

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Available in Telefang 1  Move
Bootleg: Resume
Found in Available in Telefang 1

Recover is a move found in Telefang 1.


Telefang 1
No. Name Bootleg name Stage Type Level
016 Ixora Ikusora

Natural Denjuu Aquatic L15
023 Liriope Ririope

Cultivated Denjuu Aquatic L10
028 Pampas Banles

Cultivated Denjuu Aquatic L16
044 Burenica Branika

Techno Denjuu Grassland

046 Berzelia Bazaria

Techno Denjuu Grassland

069 Midotor Medter

Big Denjuu Aquatic

071 Hitodeight Hitodei

Big Denjuu Aquatic

078 Lirionpu Ririonpu

Burst Denjuu Aquatic

083 Cliogera Kliaoger

Burst Denjuu Aquatic

091 Kiyoruka Kyoruka

Explosion Denjuu Grassland

093 Baionpu Baionpu

Explosion Denjuu Aquatic

098 Lampgera Ranbrage

Explosion Denjuu Aquatic

109 Denfare Danver

Explosion Denjuu Grassland

115 Veenica Buinika

Super Machine Denjuu Grassland

125 Punisto Punisuto

Super Denjuu Grassland

143 Vikingurin Baikingu

Demon Denjuu Aquatic