
From Wikifang, a definitive guide to Telefang, Dino Device and Bugsite
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#021 Angios #022 Gymnos Liriope #024 Waratah #025 Sorghum
リリオペ / Ririope
No. 023 Bootleg: Liliaobe
Stage Cultivated Denjuu
Type Aquatic
Exp. Item  Revolver
Ringtone 0:08
Liriope is also found in Telefang 2

Liriope is an Aquatic-type Denjuu. It is an event Denjuu, with only one available throughout the course of the game.

Name etymology[edit]

Named after Liriope, a genus of grass-like plants also known as lilyturf.


Field Guide Description
Telefang 1 うみの あさせに なかまと むれをつくって せいそくする
Diamond/Jade Gather on the bank of seaside
English Translation It lives in groups with its peers in shallow waters.
Arrived Phrase
Power/Speed ついたっぺ
Diamond/Jade Arrived
English Translation I'm here, ope!
Attack Phrase
Power/Speed やるっぺ!
Diamond/Jade Attack!
English Translation Let's go, ope!
Favored Item Call
Power/Speed あの かわいいデンジュウ リリオペっているじゃん あのデンジュウって みために にあわず『リボルバーガン』を つけるといいらしいんだ デンジュウって みために よらないよなー やっぱリ うみのデンジュウって こわいのかな?
Diamond/Jade Do you know that cute electric monster called as LILIAOB? That electric monster looks not the same as his appearance, It will be Ok if connecting 『Revolver』 for him. You can't judge the electric monsters only by their appearance. Are you still afraid of the electric monster in the sea?
English Translation That cute Denjuu Liriope over there? It may not look like it, but it would be nice if you put a Revolver on it. You can't judge a Denjuu by its looks alone, after all. Do you still think the sea Denjuu's scary?


Liriope can be found on the beach south of Iris. It will give its phone number, as well as the ability to cross water, in return for a Game Machine. It cannot be nicknamed unless traded, and is always obtained at level 16, with a  Carefree personality.


Moves of Liriope
From start Bite
From start Chill
Lv. 10 Recover

Base Stats[edit]

Stat Base Stats Growth per 2 levels Max
Denjuu Most Denjuu Most Denjuu Most
Hit Points 30
46 1
4 79
Speed 17
20 2
2 115
Attack 8
22 1
3 57
Defense 7
20 1
3 56
Denma Attack 6
22 2
3 104
Denma Defense 5
20 2
3 103
Total 73
137 9
16 514
See Telefang 1 Denjuu by: base stats | stat growth | max stats

Liriope is tied with Punica for having the lowest max Attack in the game, at 57. It is also tied with Waratah, Waitah, and Warutah for having the lowest max HP in the game, at 79.

Exp. Items[edit]

 Revolver,  Phone,  Saw,  Sickle,  Laptop,  Bucket,  Game Machine,  Plush Toy,  BomBom
