Template:Acretable T1

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Makes a table to show Denjuu appearances like this:


The code is as such:

{{acretable T1|w=3|h=6|bg=troncovillagespring

The format of the code is as follows:

  • w: Width - number of boxes horizontally.
  • h: Height - number of boxes vertically.
  • bg: Background - CSS class style, ask admin to insert the styles. These can be found in MediaWiki:Common.css, under acretables.

The next row would be rowstart.

The following h rows of w columns would be the values for the acre group, plus one more column for "row" or "rowend".

In the above example, there are 6 rows of 4 columns, with the exception of the starting row and "rowstart". The first row contains values of 2, 2, 0. This means that according to the map, the top-left-most acre and the acre to the right of it contain Denjuu from Group 2, according to your own definition. The third column contains 0, meaning that it contains no Denjuu, or is an empty white space on the map. This would end with the next parameter being "row".

This would continue until the last row, where the last parameter, instead of being "row", would be "rowend" instead. This is important as it closes the table.

See also[edit]