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Actual Name?

I have a suspicion this monster's name is really Beavernum (a pun on the genus Viburnum), since he has a flat tail and a weird verbal tic of using 'beaver' as an adverb. If so, it'd explain why a certain mutant mouse is seemingly named the same thing; that one is just the regular genus name, Viburnum. Does anyone else agree? ~ 荘厳な巧talk 01:15, 23 August 2009 (UTC)

Except, all first-stage Denjuu are named after plant genera, pretty much without fail. :/ This one would be the single odd one out if we changed it. D: Both of them really are normal spellings of Viburnum, and according to google search, this one is the more common spelling... Kimbles 04:30, 23 August 2009 (UTC)


Okay, if it isn't "beaver", then any suggestions for what I should change it to in the battle quotes? "Viva" almost makes sense, though it'd seem slightly weird for them to be throwing in a random Spanish word in a Japanese game (though, then again, I suppose it's not really so different from all the English loanwords they put into games like these), and "Vibur" makes an even weirder adverb than "beaver" or "viva". But then again, it might've been what was intended, too. — TAKUMI 巧 (talk) 09:19, 19 June 2011 (MDT)

Scratch that; we are using viva. Viva viva!
(Okay, maybe that was a bit much. XD But in any case, we're planning to fix all the Denjuu quotes on the wiki later once they've been semi-finalised in the patch, and they've already been translated. So the beavers will be gone soon.) — TAKUMI 巧 (talk) 22:56, 19 June 2011 (MDT)