Wikifang:Telefang 1 Translation Patch/Tasks

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Completed Tasks

High Prioirty

  • Enable VWF on all other text

Low Priority

  • Edit the tile mappings so that the "G" in Telefang can hang with the rest of the family.
Accepted as patch v58 and then new graphics inserted in patch v59.
  • Remove kana selection from the naming screens, so that you can't use the weird precomposed glyphs.
Fixed in patch v59. Now the glyphs after letters in the naming screens are punctuation, which is expected.

High Priority Tasks

  1. Implement proper text centering so that VWF text is properly centered
  2. Make it possible to nickname Denjuu with their full names, and have it appear properly on all screens.
    Currently, we have 16 character Denjuu default names, but we have not increased the nickname limit and have no plans to.
  3. Translate the rest of the game

Low Priority Tasks

The following "polish tasks" are low priority, should be done before the translation hits release-v1.0, and are part of producing a well-polished translation. Also, they should be relatively easy to do.

  1. Alter the titlescreen bottom copyright string, so that Kodansha can be written out in English.
  2. Translate the "opening credits" and figure out what to do with Comic Bombom's logo.
    • BomBom can be left alone, the credits say "Concept: Kino Kozue, Denjuu Design: Takaki Saiko" ~ Kimbles
  3. Write better insertion - extraction tools, preferably ones that can also alter Speed Version
    • This could include simple resource editors or even something that can make code patches easier to inject
  4. Fix the DMG/SGB Game Boy version of the menus, which use different compressed graphics.
  5. The DMG/SGB Game Boy titlescreen has different sprite layouts from the CGB version.
  6. Alter the encounter screen so that denjuu encounters have 9 tiles of text space, and t-fanger encounters have 11.
    • Currently both are set to 8 so that they can be centered by the text centering routine. But this results in the text being off center slightly, which means that to properly center we need to have the whole window space.
    • Certain other screens only have 8 tiles of room for the name, so we'll also have to avoid breaking those.
    • Actually I'm not sure if this can be done anymore :/
  7. Automatic word-wrap, so that lines don't have to be formatted by the text injection tools, and that player and denjuu names don't have to be formatted as if they were "WWWWWWWW".
  8. Change the icon for Chiru on the overworld to something that says Chiru.
  9. Make the text input screen cycle from uppercase-lowercase-numbers, instead of uppercase-numbers-lowercase.
  10. Fix the naming screen so that the input field is either drawn without VWF, or that the naming cursor is properly positioned to the current letter offset.
    • New script control codes EA and EB were inserted to disable and enable the VWF, respectively.
    • Attempts at the first (disable VWF on the name input screen) failed because the particular script that prints nicknames is common across everything that prints nicknames, which is 99% things we want to keep VWF'd.