Wikifang:Telefang 1 Translation Patch/Tasks

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The following "polish tasks" are low priority, should be done before the translation hits release-v1.0, and are part of producing a well-polished translation. Also, they should be relatively easy to do.

  1. Edit the tile mappings so that the "G" in Telefang can hang with the rest of the family.
Currently in progress. Kmeisthax 18:35, 4 June 2011 (MDT)
  1. Alter the titlescreen bottom copyright string, so that Kodansha can be written out in English.
  2. Translate the "opening credits" and figure out what to do with Comic Bonbon's logo.
  3. Remove kana selection from the naming screens, so that you can't use the weird precomposed glyphs.
  4. Write better insertion - extraction tools, preferably ones that can also alter Speed Version
    • This could include simple resource editors or even something that can make code patches easier to monkey-patch