
From Wikifang, a definitive guide to Telefang, Dino Device and Bugsite
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#037 Raygoten #038 Drilarmor Chamelan #040 Cryptoarm #041 Shellstera
カメラーン / Kameraan
No. 039 Bootleg: Kameran
Stage Techno Denjuu
Type Grassland
Exp. Item  Machine Gun
Ringtone 0:12

Chamelan is a Grassland-type Denjuu. It is the fusion evolved form of Chameraid.

Name etymology[edit]

Chamelan is likely just a shortened form of chameleon.


Field Guide Description
Telefang 1 からだじゅうの とっきから てっきゅうを うちだす
Diamond/Jade Iron fense is made by tubers.
English Translation It shoots projectiles from the openings all over its body.
Arrived Phrase
Power/Speed ...ついた
Diamond/Jade Arrived
English Translation ...Made it.
Attack Phrase
Power/Speed ぐにょーん
Diamond/Jade Miao!
English Translation Boingg
Favored Item Call
Power/Speed よう シゲキ ひさびさだっけ? トモダチから いいこと きいたんだよー カメラーンってデンジュウが 『マシンガン』を くっつけて ほしいっていってるらしいよ ところで オレのくっつけたい モノは わかってるかなー? しんぱいだなー....
Diamond/Jade Hey Bek, We haven't met a long time? I heard a good news from my friend. That electric monster named as KAMERAN would like add 『Mo-gun』. But you know what I want to add for him? I'm really worry about it!
English Translation


Evolve Chameraid.


Moves of Chamelan
From start Fang Crush
From start Sleep Gas
From start Camouflage
From start War Cannon

Base Stats[edit]

Stat Base Stats Growth per 2 levels Max
Denjuu Most Denjuu Most Denjuu Most
Hit Points 32
46 2
4 130
Speed 14
20 1
2 63
Attack 10
22 2
3 108
Defense 10
20 2
3 108
Denma Attack 9
22 2
3 107
Denma Defense 9
20 2
3 107
Total 84
137 11
16 623
See Telefang 1 Denjuu by: base stats | stat growth | max stats

Exp. Items[edit]

 Machine Gun,  Shuriken,  Phone,  Phone Card,  Game Machine,  Plush Toy,  BomBom,  Titallium,  Lunatium,  Gaiamond
