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#131 Beebalm #132 Salal Enishida #134 Tulbaghia #135 Kiringiku
エニシダ / Enishida
No. 133 Bootleg: Genista
Stage Super Denjuu
Type Grassland
Exp. Item  Gear
Ringtone 0:07

Enishida is a Grassland-type Denjuu.

Name etymology[edit]

Named for Enishida, the Japanese name for the genus Cytisus, consisting of several shrubs known as brooms.


Field Guide Description
Telefang 1 ツノをしんどうさせて どんな ものでも きりきざんでしまう
Diamond/Jade Feeler on head can knocked any
English Translation By making its horn vibrate, it can use it to cut through anything.
Arrived Phrase
Power/Speed ついたタイ!
Diamond/Jade Come!
English Translation I'mma here!
Attack Phrase
Power/Speed ドンやるたい!
Diamond/Jade Attack!
English Translation Let's overdo it!


This Denjuu is obtained from the secret phone number 05#-1#03-#7200, and therefore cannot be nicknamed unless traded. It is always obtained at level 10, with an  Oblivious personality. Enishida's home area is Tronco Village.

The phone number was originally revealed on "Millennium Card Vol. 1", given out with some copies of the game. It was also printed in the last volume of the Telefang manga, and could later be found on the official Telefang website.


Moves of Enishida
From start Rush
From start Shutter
From start Sabre
Lv. 30 Rock

Base Stats[edit]

Stat Base Stats Growth per 2 levels Max
Denjuu Most Denjuu Most Denjuu Most
Hit Points 35
46 2
4 133
Speed 10
20 1
2 59
Attack 20
22 3
3 167
Defense 12
20 2
3 110
Denma Attack 8
22 1
3 57
Denma Defense 8
20 2
3 106
Total 93
137 11
16 632
See Telefang 1 Denjuu by: base stats | stat growth | max stats

Exp. Items[edit]

 Machine Gun,  Phone,  Screwdriver,  Gear,  Phone Card,  Army Knife,  Game Machine,  Plush Toy,  BomBom,  Titanuum
