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#133 Enishida #134 Tulbaghia Kiringiku #136 Angilance #137 Gymganon
キリンギク / Kiringiku
No. 135 Bootleg: Chrysant
Stage Super Denjuu
Type Sky
Exp. Item  Army Knife
DNA Item  Grapplite 9
Ringtone 0:06

Kiringiku is a Sky-type Denjuu.

Name etymology[edit]

Kiringiku (麒麟菊 Qílín jú) is the Japanese name for the species Liatris spicata, a plant known in English as dense blazing star or prairie gay feather.

The bootleg name, "Chrysant", is based on the literal Chinese translation of Kiringiku, which is "Qilin chrysanthemum". This is reflected in the Chinese name for Kiringiku in the Chinese bootleg of Telefang 1, 麒麟 (Qílín), occurring due to a 2-character limit for Denjuu names.


Field Guide Description
Telefang 1 ナイフのような ハネで カマイタチを おこせる
Diamond/Jade Cut off enemy by Sickle.
English Translation Its knife-like wings create sickle-like gusts of wind.
Arrived Phrase
Power/Speed きたぜきたぜー!
Diamond/Jade Come!
English Translation I'm here, I'm here!
Attack Phrase
Power/Speed パッとやるか!
Diamond/Jade Heavy hit!
English Translation In a flash!


Power Version
Myces Lake, Lvs. 52-54
Bryon Ruins (Outside), Lvs. 59-61
Bryon Ruins (Floor 1), Lvs. 60-62
Bryon Ruins (Floor 2), Lvs. 60-62
Bryon Ruins (Floor 5), Lvs. 61-63
Bryon Ruins (Floor 6), Lvs. 61-63
Bryon Ruins (Floor 7), Lvs. 62-64
Bryon Ruins (Floor 9), Lvs. 62-64


Moves of Kiringiku
From start Claw
From start Flight
From start Cross Attack
Lv. 30 Kamaitachi

Base Stats[edit]

Stat Base Stats Growth per 2 levels Max
Denjuu Most Denjuu Most Denjuu Most
Hit Points 41
46 2
4 139
Speed 18
20 2
2 116
Attack 12
22 3
3 159
Defense 10
20 2
3 108
Denma Attack 15
22 2
3 113
Denma Defense 16
20 2
3 114
Total 112
137 13
16 749
See Telefang 1 Denjuu by: base stats | stat growth | max stats

Exp. Items[edit]

 Machine Gun,  Archery Set,  Phone,  Phone Card,  Lance,  Army Knife,  Game Machine,  Plush Toy,  BomBom,  Titallium,  Lunatium,  Titanuum
