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#080 Potzal #081 Araneida Gadhoro #083 Cliogera #084 Gust
ガッドホロウ / Gaddohorou
No. 082 Bootleg: Jiadhelo
Stage Burst Denjuu
Type Sky
Exp. Item  Ray Gun
Ringtone 0:06

Gadhoro (Japanese: ガッドホロウ Gaddohorou) is a Sky-type Denjuu in Telefang 1. It is the evolved form of Noriutsugi. It lab evolves into Punkhoro with a Grapplite 9, and can fusion evolve to Badhoro with a Missile.

Name etymology[edit]

The "horou" portion of its name is probably derived from an onomatopoeia of an owl's cry.


Field Guide Description
Telefang 1 ツメをつかってちょうおんぱを はっせいさせることができる
Diamond/Jade Send out supersound
English Translation It can generate ultrasonic waves with its claws.
Arrived Phrase
Power/Speed きたホロウ
Diamond/Jade Arrived
English Translation I'm here, hoo.
Attack Phrase
Power/Speed いくホロウ
Diamond/Jade Attack!
English Translation Here I go, hoo.
Favored Item Call
Power/Speed 『ビームガン』なんて あぶなっかしいモノを ほしがってるデンジュウが オレのトモダチで いるんだよー ガッドホロウっていう デンジュウなんだけどね みかけたら くっつけてあげてよ ボクは それを かいに いけないからさー
Diamond/Jade There is an e-monster who prefers the dangerous things like L-gun among my friends. It is e-monster named as JIADHELO. Please add it for him after seeing him, because I can't go to buy it.
English Translation There’s a Denjuu who wants a dangerous thing like a “Ray Gun.” He is my friend named Gadhoro. If you see him, please attach it to him because he can’t go buy it himself.


Speed Version
Paparouna Lake, Lvs. 29-31
Craft Research Center, Lvs. 31-33


Moves of Gadhoro
From start Claw
From start Invigorate
From start Ultrasonic
Lv. 30 Mini Snow

Base Stats[edit]

Stat Base Stats Growth per 2 levels Max
Denjuu Most Denjuu Most Denjuu Most
Hit Points 33
46 2
4 131
Speed 16
20 2
2 114
Attack 12
22 2
3 110
Defense 8
20 2
3 106
Denma Attack 8
22 2
3 106
Denma Defense 9
20 2
3 107
Total 86
137 12
16 674
See Telefang 1 Denjuu by: base stats | stat growth | max stats

Exp. Items[edit]

 Iron,  Phone,  Ray Gun,  Lance,  Camera,  Faucet,  Vacuum,  Game Machine,  Plush Toy,  BomBom,  Lunatium


In the manga[edit]

Noriutsugi and Gadhoro

Noriutsugi and Gadhoro made a cameo appearance in the first chapter of the Telefang 1 manga as part of a crowd of Denjuu watching Crypto defeat various opponents.

Gadhoro appears again in chapter 9 as a Denjuu who has been defeated by Kai and Angios during their destruction of Tronco Village.