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#095 Guntzatl #096 Arakuida Badhoro #098 Lampgera #099 Tempest
バッドホロウ / Baddohorou
No. 097 Bootleg: Badhelo
Stage Explosion Denjuu
Type Sky
Exp. Item  Army Knife
Ringtone 0:06

Badhoro (Japanese: バッドホロウ Baddohorou) is a Sky-type Denjuu in Telefang 1. It is the fusion evolved form of Gadhoro.

Name etymology[edit]

The "horou" portion of its name is probably derived from an onomatopoeia of an owl's cry.


Field Guide Description
Telefang 1 あたまの ミサイルと うでの ニードルで こうげきする
Diamond/Jade Attack Missile and needles.
English Translation It fires missiles from its head and jabs with the needles on its arms.
Arrived Phrase
Power/Speed きたホロウ
Diamond/Jade Here!
English Translation I'm here, hoo.
Attack Phrase
Power/Speed やるホロウ
Diamond/Jade Attack!
English Translation Let's do it, hoo.
Favored Item Call
Power/Speed バッドホロウって デンジュウは きけんなんだ! なんでかって?? すきな アイテムが 『アーミーナイフ』なんだぜ! こんなキケンなモノを ほしがるなんて ぜったいやばい ヤツなんだって!
Diamond/Jade The electric monster named as BADHELO very dangerous! Why? His favourite thing is 『Dagger』! He likes such dangerous thing, he must be very wild!
English Translation The Denjuu named Badhoro is dangerous! Why, you ask?? His favorite item is an "Army Knife"! Wanting such a dangerous thing, he must be a really dangerous guy!


Evolve Gadhoro.


Moves of Badhoro
From start Cross Attack
From start Invigorate
From start EM Barrier
Lv. 30 Penguin Missile

Base Stats[edit]

Stat Base Stats Growth per 2 levels Max
Denjuu Most Denjuu Most Denjuu Most
Hit Points 34
46 2
4 132
Speed 15
20 2
2 113
Attack 13
22 2
3 111
Defense 9
20 2
3 107
Denma Attack 13
22 3
3 160
Denma Defense 8
20 2
3 106
Total 92
137 13
16 729
See Telefang 1 Denjuu by: base stats | stat growth | max stats

Exp. Items[edit]

 Prop Engine,  Phone,  Phone Card,  Army Knife,  Game Machine,  Plush Toy,  BomBom
