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#106 Gaultheria #107 Dipsacus Kaya #109 Denfare #110 Angieon
カヤ / Kaya
No. 108 Bootleg: Kaya
Stage Explosion Denjuu
Type Grassland
Exp. Item  Hammer
Ringtone 0:08
Kaya is also found in Telefang 2

Kaya is a Grassland-type Denjuu.

Name etymology[edit]

Kaya is the Japanese name for Torreya nucifera, the Japanese Nutmeg-yew (also called Japanese Torreya).


Field Guide Description
Telefang 1 ちょうろうのひとリ ネコがた サイボーグ デンジュウ
Diamond/Jade nV0One of the elder, Mr.Nike.
English Translation An elder Denjuu. It is a cyborg cat.
Arrived Phrase
Power/Speed きったニャーン
Diamond/Jade Come!
English Translation I'm here, meow~
Attack Phrase
Power/Speed たおすニャーン
Diamond/Jade Overthrow you!
English Translation I'll beat you, meow~


This Denjuu is obtained from the secret phone number 05*-6#24-7219*, and therefore cannot be nicknamed unless traded. It is always obtained at level 20, with a  Stubborn personality. Kaya's home area is Bryon Ruins.

The phone number was originally revealed in the February 2001 issue of Comic Bom Bom. It was also printed in the first and last volumes of the Telefang manga, and could later be found on the official Telefang website.


Moves of Kaya
From start Cat Punch
From start Electro Screen
From start Punt
Lv. 30 Flamethrower

Base Stats[edit]

Stat Base Stats Growth per 2 levels Max
Denjuu Most Denjuu Most Denjuu Most
Hit Points 33
46 2
4 131
Speed 18
20 2
2 116
Attack 15
22 3
3 162
Defense 14
20 2
3 112
Denma Attack 13
22 2
3 111
Denma Defense 12
20 2
3 110
Total 105
137 13
16 742
See Telefang 1 Denjuu by: base stats | stat growth | max stats

Exp. Items[edit]

 Bazooka,  Phone,  Phone Card,  Hammer,  Game Machine,  Plush Toy,  BomBom



Kaya is the only Denjuu to learn either Cat Punch or Punt, making it the only Denjuu with two exclusive moves.