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#013 Byakubu #014 Telopea Mantea #016 Ixora #017 Myrtus
マンテア / Mantea
No. 015 Bootleg: Mantea
Stage Natural Denjuu
Type Aquatic
Exp. Item  Archery Set
Ringtone 0:12

Mantea is an Aquatic-type Denjuu. Its pink coloration and elephant-like features suggest that its design may be based on a Dumbo octopus.

Name etymology[edit]

Likely derived from a manatee. Could also possibly be derived from mantea, which is Latin for a cape or mantle.


Field Guide Description
Telefang 1 あしのうらの きょうばんで どんなところも いどうできる
Diamond/Jade Anything can be moved by cupula
English Translation The suction cups on its feet allow it to traverse any terrain.
Arrived Phrase
Power/Speed おまたせタコ
Diamond/Jade Long wait
English Translation I'm here, octo.
Attack Phrase
Power/Speed やるタコするタコ
Diamond/Jade Be careful!
English Translation Hey octo, let's go octo.
Favored Item Call
Power/Speed シゲキ マンテアのデンワバンゴウを もってる?? もってるんだったら 『アーチェリー』をつけると いいらしいよ ためしてみたらどう??
Diamond/Jade Alas Bek, Do you have the phone number of MANTEA? If you have, just connect the Shooter.Try it?
English Translation Hey, Shigeki.... Do you have a Mantea's number? If you do, you should try augmenting it with a bow and arrow. I hear they go well together!


Palm Sea, Lvs. 16-18


Moves of Mantea
From start Rush
From start Conceal
Lv. 9 Scream

Base Stats[edit]

Stat Base Stats Growth per 2 levels Max
Denjuu Most Denjuu Most Denjuu Most
Hit Points 38
46 3
4 185
Speed 10
20 1
2 59
Attack 10
22 2
3 108
Defense 6
20 2
3 104
Denma Attack 5
22 2
3 103
Denma Defense 6
20 1
3 55
Total 75
137 11
16 614
See Telefang 1 Denjuu by: base stats | stat growth | max stats

Exp. Items[edit]

 Archery Set,  Phone,  Axe,  Phone Card,  Crane,  Computer,  Hammer,  Vacuum,  Key,  Game Machine,  Plush Toy,  BomBom
