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#033 Vanda #034 Uikyou Obana #036 Firekokko #037 Raygoten
オバナ / Obana
No. 035 Bootleg: Obana
Stage Cultivated Denjuu
Type Desert
Exp. Item  Vacuum
Ringtone 0:08

Obana is a Desert-type Denjuu.

Name etymology[edit]

Named after Obana, a common Japanese name for Miscanthus sinensis, which is also known as zebra grass.


Field Guide Description
Telefang 1 せなかにある おおきなツメをのばして とっしんこうげき
Diamond/Jade Stretch out claws, attack enemy
English Translation It stretches out the claws on its back and charges at the enemy to attack.
Arrived Phrase
Power/Speed よーおまたせ
Diamond/Jade Long wait
English Translation Yo, thanks for waiting!
Attack Phrase
Power/Speed いっちょやるか!
Diamond/Jade Come again!
English Translation Let's go for it!
Favored Item Call
Power/Speed オバナってさー 『そうじき』がいいんだって きれいずきなのかな? あの『ブィーン』っていう おとがすきなのかな? どっちにしても いがいだよなー
Diamond/Jade OBANA He seems to prefer 『Cleaner』 He has either cleanliness? Or prefer that kind of voice 『Buzz』? Anyway, all will be unexpected.
English Translation Does Obana like Vacuum cleaners because he's a neat freak? Or does he just like the VWEEEEE noise they make? Either way, he sure is happy with 'em.


Barran, Lvs. 21-23


Moves of Obana
From start Rush
From start Heat Wave
Lv. 20 Claw

Base Stats[edit]

Stat Base Stats Growth per 2 levels Max
Denjuu Most Denjuu Most Denjuu Most
Hit Points 38
46 3
4 185
Speed 10
20 1
2 59
Attack 16
22 2
3 114
Defense 7
20 2
3 105
Denma Attack 5
22 1
3 54
Denma Defense 6
20 1
3 55
Total 82
137 10
16 572
See Telefang 1 Denjuu by: base stats | stat growth | max stats

Exp. Items[edit]

 Jet Engine,  Phone,  Laptop,  Video Camera,  Vacuum,  Game Machine,  Plush Toy,  BomBom
