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#031 Viburnum #032 Funnel Vanda #034 Uikyou #035 Obana
バンダ / Banda
No. 033 Bootleg: Banda
Stage Cultivated Denjuu
Type Forest
Exp. Item  Crane
Ringtone 0:07

Vanda is a Forest-type Denjuu.

Name etymology[edit]

Named after Vanda, a genus of flowering plants in the orchid family, possibly because it sounds like "panda".


Field Guide Description
Telefang 1 かんせつがない ながいうでを ふりまわして なぐりかかる
Diamond/Jade Shake long arms beat the enemy.
English Translation It strikes its opponents with a shake of its long, unjointed arms.
Arrived Phrase
Power/Speed もりのなーかー
Diamond/Jade In forest
English Translation The other day~
Attack Phrase
Power/Speed であったー
Diamond/Jade See!
English Translation I met a bear~~
Favored Item Call
Power/Speed バンダってうでのながい デンジュウを しってるかな? このデンジュウは『クレーン』を つけてあげると すっごい けいけんちがアップだって! デンワバンゴウを しってるんだったら ためしてね
Diamond/Jade Do you know an electric monster named as BANDA with long arm? If adding 『Crane』 to this electric monster, he will become very fearfulness. It is said that the experience value will be increased! Just try it if you know the telephone number.
English Translation You know Vanda, the long-armed Denjuu? This critter, if you put a Crane on it... it's awesome--The EXP goes up and everything! Give one a ring and give it a go.


Paparouna Lake, Lvs. 29-31
Craft Research Center, Lvs. 31-33


Moves of Vanda
From start Strike
From start Scream
Lv. 18 Claw

Base Stats[edit]

Stat Base Stats Growth per 2 levels Max
Denjuu Most Denjuu Most Denjuu Most
Hit Points 38
46 2
4 136
Speed 6
20 1
2 55
Attack 16
22 3
3 163
Defense 8
20 2
3 106
Denma Attack 3
22 1
3 52
Denma Defense 3
20 1
3 52
Total 74
137 10
16 564
See Telefang 1 Denjuu by: base stats | stat growth | max stats


Exp. Items[edit]

 Phone,  Chainsaw,  Screwdriver,  Lance,  Crane,  Army Knife,  Laptop,  Pencil,  Game Machine,  Plush Toy,  BomBom


In the manga[edit]

Two Vanda discuss a  Plush Toy

In chapter 2 of the Telefang 1 manga, when Shigeki enters Fraoula Village and shows off his D-Shot, a large group of Denjuu comprised of Vanda, Octagun, and Pampas become agitated and want to battle him.


Vanda's arrival and attack phrases are lyrics from the folk song Bear in the Woods (森のくまさん). Its ringtone is also somewhat reminiscent of the song's tune.