
From Wikifang, a definitive guide to Telefang, Dino Device and Bugsite
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#094 Warutah #095 Guntzatl Arakuida #097 Badhoro #098 Lampgera
アラクイダ / Arakuida
No. 096 Bootleg: Arakuita
Stage Explosion Denjuu
Type Forest
Exp. Item  Sickle
Ringtone 0:09

Arakuida is a Forest-type Denjuu.

Name etymology[edit]

Probably a combination of arachnid and Araneidae, the family for orb-weaving spiders.


Field Guide Description
Telefang 1 おしリの かいてんカッターで すベてを せつだんしてしまう
Diamond/Jade Cut by rotating blades on tail.
English Translation It cuts all it sees with the spinning blades on its abdomen.
Arrived Phrase
Power/Speed またせたなっ!
Diamond/Jade Long wait
English Translation Made you wait, huh!
Attack Phrase
Power/Speed そらいくぞー!
Diamond/Jade Attack!
English Translation And here I go!
Favored Item Call
Power/Speed アラクイダって『カマ』が すきなんだぜ ハモノが すきなヤツって けっこうおおいのかなー ああいう きけんなモノが すきなデンジュウって キケンな かおリがするよね あーこわい こわい
Diamond/Jade ARAKUITA likes 『Sickle』. There are still a lot of guies who prefer sharp weapons. Dangerous air in every place.
English Translation Arakuida likes the "Sickle". Are there quite a few who like sharp objects? Denjuu who like such dangerous things give off a dangerous vibe, right? Oh, scary, scary.


Evolve Araneida.


Moves of Arakuida
From start Cross Attack
From start Chill
From start Toxic Sting
Lv. 30 Drill Missile

Base Stats[edit]

Stat Base Stats Growth per 2 levels Max
Denjuu Most Denjuu Most Denjuu Most
Hit Points 35
46 2
4 133
Speed 13
20 1
2 62
Attack 14
22 2
3 112
Defense 10
20 2
3 108
Denma Attack 12
22 2
3 110
Denma Defense 8
20 2
3 106
Total 92
137 11
16 631
See Telefang 1 Denjuu by: base stats | stat growth | max stats

Exp. Items[edit]

 Bomb,  Phone,  Phone Card,  Sickle,  Game Machine,  Plush Toy,  BomBom
