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#092 Gymgarth #093 Baionpu Warutah #095 Guntzatl #096 Arakuida
ワルタ / Waruta
No. 094 Bootleg: Warta
Stage Explosion Denjuu
Type Forest
Exp. Item  Laptop
Ringtone 0:12

Warutah is a Forest-type Denjuu.

Name etymology[edit]

From Waratah and waru, the Japanese word for "bad".


Field Guide Description
Telefang 1 みみのさきを まえにたおして バルカンを うちまくる
Diamond/Jade Push ears ahead of chest, shoot
English Translation The tips of its ears are Vulcan guns, which it can aim and fire.
Arrived Phrase
Power/Speed ウキキキキー
Diamond/Jade Gugu!
English Translation Ook eek eek eek...
Attack Phrase
Power/Speed ウワッキー!!
Diamond/Jade Waa!
English Translation Ooookeee!!
Favored Item Call
Power/Speed ワルタってデンジュウ なんだか いろんなこと できそうな ふんいきがするんだよなぜかって? それは ヤツがすきなアイテムが 『モバイル』だからさ!
Diamond/Jade The e-monster named as WARTA seems be able todo everything. Why? Because what he likes is 『Moveing』!
English Translation


Bryon Ruins (Floor 7), Lvs. 62-64
Bryon Ruins (Floor 8), Lvs. 62-64

Power Version
Bryon Ruins (Floor 2), Lvs. 60-62
Bryon Ruins (Floor 4), Lvs. 61-63
Bryon Ruins (Floor 5), Lvs. 61-63
Bryon Ruins (Floor 6), Lvs. 61-63

Speed Version
Bryon Ruins (Floor 2), Lvs. 62-64
Bryon Ruins (Floor 4), Lvs. 62-64
Bryon Ruins (Floor 5), Lvs. 62-64
Bryon Ruins (Floor 6), Lvs. 62-64


Moves of Warutah
From start Kick
From start EM Pulse
From start Claw
Lv. 30 Ear Vulcan

Base Stats[edit]

Stat Base Stats Growth per 2 levels Max
Denjuu Most Denjuu Most Denjuu Most
Hit Points 30
46 1
4 79
Speed 16
20 1
2 65
Attack 10
22 2
3 108
Defense 10
20 2
3 108
Denma Attack 12
22 3
3 159
Denma Defense 9
20 2
3 107
Total 87
137 11
16 626
See Telefang 1 Denjuu by: base stats | stat growth | max stats

Warutah is tied with Liriope, Waratah and Whitah for having the lowest max HP in the game, at 79.

Exp. Items[edit]

 Gun,  Phone,  Phone Card,  Laptop,  Game Machine,  Plush Toy,  BomBom
