A nickname is given to a Denjuu, Bug, or Dino for personalization, or to help differentiate it from others of its kind.
Telefang 1[edit]
When befriending a Denjuu in Telefang 1, the T-Fanger has the option to nickname it. The name is entered using the D-Shot. Nicknames are restricted to six characters (kana or numbers.) While nearly all unevolved Denjuu have no more than six kana in their default names, there are a few Denjuu that can be found in the wild whose names are more than six kana long. The most notable is Firekokko (ファイアーコッコ), whose default nickname gets shortened to ファイアーコ. When Denjuu evolve, they keep their previous name, even if it was the default (for example, a Keshi which has evolved into Chameraid will keep the name "Keshi".)
Denjuu received in special events - such as the starter Denjuu Crypto and Fungus, secret Denjuu, or any Denjuu which are recruited as part of the game's plot - cannot be nicknamed. There is an exception to this however, any Denjuu received via link connection (either traded or won in VS) can be nicknamed upon receipt.

In the bootlegs Pokémon Diamond and Jade, nicknaming is impossible, either because of a glitch or because the bootleggers could not make the phone type out Latin characters. As a result, Denjuu are auto-nicknamed to the first six characters of their bootleg name (with the exception of the Lampgera received in Iris, which has the glitchy nickname "o".) Also, due to numerous bootleg Denjuu names being longer than their original Japanese names, the six-character limit is far more prominent - for example, Crypto, known as Kuribute in the bootleg, will be called "Kuribu".
English Translation Patch[edit]
In the translation patch, Denjuu can be nicknamed using upper- and lower-case Latin characters, numbers, and punctuation. Nicknames are still limited to six characters, however if the player declines the choice to nickname a Denjuu then it will retain its full-length default name.
Nicknames are not used in Bugsite, with the exception of Spiral who has a name limit of eight kana characters.
Telefang 2[edit]
Nicknaming in Telefang 2 is similar to Telefang 1, but the six-character limit was removed and is now eight characters (the maximum possible length for a Denjuu name). Also, it is possible to input Latin characters (albeit only in capital letters) instead of just kana or numbers. Denjuu received in trades cannot be given new nicknames.
Dino Device 1[edit]

The nicknaming system in Dino Device 1 is more robust than that of either Telefang game. A Dino can be nicknamed after being received through the GachaSta, or captured wild. Nicknames have an eight-character limit, and can be comprised of hiragana, katakana, upper- and lower-case Latin characters, numbers and mathematical symbols, punctuation, and a selection of 50 kanji. Nicknames cannot be changed after being given.