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Test for a T-Fanger encounter template, feel free to suggest changes! Number of turns for Denjuu 2 and 3 might be added but I'm not sure it's all that important, I don't think they ever take that long to arrive..?

027 Noriutsugi Lv. 10
009 Punica Lv. 8
017 Myrtus Lv. 5

Thinking the template code for the above would look something like...

{{tfanger t1
| name = Tabasco

For T-Fangers with less than three Denjuu, let's see...

021 Angios Lv. 20
022 Gymnos Lv. 60
057 Raygirth Lv. 56

Testing T-Fanger on left:

027 Noriutsugi Lv. 10
009 Punica Lv. 8
017 Myrtus Lv. 5

...More layout testing...

Kakuza Party
Keshi Lv. 8  Timid Tronco Village
Oshe Lv. 5  Careless Tronco Village
Kakuza Party
Denjuu Lv. Personality Origin
Keshi 8  Timid Tronco Village
Oshe 5  Careless Tronco Village
Denjuu Lv. Personality Origin
Bashou 99  Loyal Tronco Village Spring
Gentiana 99  Loyal Tronco Village Spring
Tessen 99  Loyal Tronco Village Spring


「ボク おねえさんを たおせるかしら?」
Bashou Lv. 99 Stubborn
Easydog Lv. 99 Stubborn
Ruscus Lv. 99 Hasty

(Ideally, the T-Fanger sprite would switch between default to attacking on mouseover, but I'm too lazy to test that right now)

Kakuza Party
Keshi Lv. 8  Timid Tronco Village
Oshe Lv. 5  Careless Tronco Village
Last defeated Denjuu will offer number