User:Kimbles/T1 Denjuu 1-55
This is a copy of what's on WF:T1T, but in smaller chunks so it's easier to edit. This is also so I can mess around with the formatting without screwing up the wiki's "real" copy of the list.
Starting with Natural Denjuu...
Denjuu name (Link) Kana / Romaji |
Bootleg: (Name) | |
(Evo stage) Denjuu, (Habitat) type | ||
Evolutions: | ||
Evolves from: | ||
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
--- | --- | --- |
Name Origin: | ||
--- | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) (Names) | (Levels) | |
2) --- | --- | |
3) --- | --- | |
4) --- | --- | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: Translated: Bootleg: | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: T: B: |
J: T: B: |
Template Legend[edit]
- Name: The translated name of the Denjuu.
- Kana: The Denjuu's name written in japanese text.
- Romaji: The romanized spelling of the Denjuu's name.
- Bootleg name: The name of the Denjuu in Pokemon Diamond/Jade.
- Evo stage: The stage of the Denjuu (for example, Natural Denjuu or Civilized Denjuu)
- Habitat type: The type of the Denjuu (for example, Forest or Sky)
- Evolutions: The evolutions for the Denjuu, with the evolution method in brackets.
- Evolves from: The previous form of the Denjuu, with the evolution method in brackets.
- EXP item: The experience item for the Denjuu.
- DNA item: The evolution item that the Denjuu produces when given a Phone card.
- Melody: The Denjuu's personal ringtone (called D-melo or just melodies in the game). They seem to carry over between evolutions.
- Name origin: What that the Denjuu's name is based off of, to the best of our knowledge. Most first-stage Denjuu are named after plants.
- Info text: The information found in the in-game Denjuu encyclopedia.
- Arrive/Attack text: The phrases that the Denjuu says when it arrives or attacks in battle. Some carry over between evolutions, but not all.
- Other notes: Any other notable information about the Denjuu, like version exclusivity.
Natural Denjuu[edit]
Tsunonasu (Link) ツノナス / Tsunonasu |
Bootleg: Zinunas | |
Natural Denjuu, Mountain type | ||
Evolutions: | #056 Gilerth (level 14) | |
Evolves from: | N/A | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
![]() |
None | 01 |
Name Origin: | ||
Tsunonasu is the japanese name for Solanum mammosum. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Rush | --- | |
2) --> Protect | --- | |
3) --> Focus | Level 8 | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: あたまは ヘルメットじょうの カバーで まもられている Translated: It is protected by the helmet that covers its head. Bootleg: The helmet can protect head. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: とうちゃくしたぜ T: I've arrived! B: Arrive at |
J: オレのばんだな! T: Now it's my turn! B: Me! |
Speed exclusive. |
Kochia (Link) コキア / Kokia |
Bootleg: Kokia | |
Natural Denjuu, Sky type | ||
Evolutions: | #057 Raygirth (level 30) | |
Evolves from: | N/A | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
![]() |
None | 02 |
Name Origin: | ||
Named after Kochia, a genus of shrubs. Note that the ch is pronounced as a K. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Rush | --- | |
2) --> Evade | --- | |
3) --> Stab | Level 16 | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: こまかい はで どんなもの でも かみきってしまう Translated: Using its small teeth, it will chew through anything. Bootleg: Bite anything by sharp teeth. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: ついたよー T: I'm here! B: Arrived |
J: やっつけてやる! T: I'll get you! B: Beat you! |
None. |
Oshe (Link) オーシェ / Ooshe |
Bootleg: Osie | |
Natural Denjuu, Mountain type | ||
Evolutions: | #058 Armaru (level 15) | |
Evolves from: | N/A | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
![]() |
None | 03 |
Name Origin: | ||
Unknown. (Probably some kind of plant.) | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Rush | --- | |
2) --> Protect | --- | |
3) --> Glare | Level 9 | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: からだをまるめて てきからの ダメージを かるくする Translated: It curls up its body to reduce the damage it takes from enemies. Bootleg: Curl up to relieve hurt. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: ついたよー T: I'm here! B: Arrived |
J: いくぞっ! T: Go! B: Let's go! |
None. |
Keshi (Link) ケシ / Keshi |
Bootleg: Kesi | |
Natural Denjuu, Grassland type | ||
Evolutions: | #059 Chameraid (level 24) | |
Evolves from: | N/A | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
![]() |
None | 04 |
Name Origin: | ||
Keshi is the japanese name for the opium poppy, Papaver somniferum. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Bite | --- | |
2) --> Smokescreen | --- | |
3) --> Camouflage | Level 13 | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: からだの いろを かえて すがたを かくすことができる Translated: It can hide itself by changing its color. Bootleg: When color alter body is hidden. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: ...ついた T: ...Made it. B: Arrived |
J: ぐにょーん T: Boingg B: Miao |
Power exclusive. |
Crypto (Link) クリプト / Kuriputo |
Bootleg: Kuribute | |
Natural Denjuu, Forest type | ||
Evolutions: | #060 Cryptoride (level 20) | |
Evolves from: | N/A | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
![]() |
None | 05 |
Name Origin: | ||
The most likely origin is Cryptomeria japonica (also known as the Japanese Cedar or Sugi), the national tree of Japan. This Denjuu's name was previously spelled Krypto, but it was found spelled with a C on a page of the Telefang manga. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Rush | -- | |
2) --> Invigorate | -- | |
3) --> Claw | Level 11 | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: なんでも きりさく かたい ツメで こうげきする Translated: It attacks with hard claws that can cut through anything. Bootleg: Attack by the firm claw. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: またせたなっ! T: Made you wait, huh! B: Long wait |
J: かかってこい! T: Bring it on! B: Attack! |
The starter Denjuu in the Power version. It's obtained from a story event at level 5, and can't be nicknamed. |
Monstera (Link) モンステラ / Monsutera |
Bootleg: Manstla | |
Natural Denjuu, Grassland type | ||
Evolutions: | #061 Wormiterala (level 25) | |
Evolves from: | N/A | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
![]() |
None | 06 |
Name Origin: | ||
Named after Monstera, a genus of herbs and vines. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Needle | --- | |
2) --> Defend | --- | |
3) --> Poison Gas | Level 10 | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: おしりからでる ドクガスで ジワジワとダメージをあたえる Translated: The poison gas from its tail causes continuous damage over time. Bootleg: The poison gas will hurt rival. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: おまたせー T: Kept you waiting~ B: Long wait |
J: いたいぞー T: This will hurt...! B: Painfully |
None. |
Fungus (Link) ファンガス / Fangasu |
Bootleg: Fanges | |
Natural Denjuu, Grassland type | ||
Evolutions: | #062 Fungblade (level 20) | |
Evolves from: | N/A | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
![]() |
None | 07 |
Name Origin: | ||
From fungus, as in mushrooms and molds. This Denjuu was previously known incorrectly as Fangs. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Strike | --- | |
2) --> Speed | --- | |
3) --> Horn | Level 11 | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: すばやさで てきをほんろうし ツノをつかって こうげきする Translated: It mocks enemies with its speed and attacks them with its horn. Bootleg: Attack it by catching horn. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: おまたせしました! T: Thanks for waiting! B: Long wait |
J: いきますよー! T: Here I go...! B: Attack |
The starter Denjuu in the Speed version. It's obtained from a story event at level 5, and can't be nicknamed. |
Hiougi (Link) ヒオウギ / Hiougi |
Bootleg: Hiougi | |
Natural Denjuu, Aquatic type | ||
Evolutions: | #063 Bulltamus (level 23) | |
Evolves from: | N/A | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
![]() |
None | 08 |
Name Origin: | ||
Named after the japanese name of Belamcanda chinensis, a flower known as the leopard lily. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Bite | --- | |
2) --> Scream | --- | |
3) --> Heal | Level 12 | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: どうたいがチョウチンみたいに のびちぢみする Translated: Its body expands and contracts like a paper lantern. Bootleg: Body is full of flexibility. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: またせたカバ T: Hip, made you wait. B: Long wait |
J: ボチボチいくカバ T: Hip, let's get going... B: Attack |
Power exclusive. |
Punica (Link) プニカ / Punika |
Bootleg: Punika | |
Natural Denjuu, Grassland type | ||
Evolutions: | #064 Puneedle (level 15) | |
Evolves from: | N/A | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
![]() |
None | 09 |
Name Origin: | ||
Named after Punica, the plant genus that pomegranates belong to. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Rush | --- | |
2) --> Heal | --- | |
3) --> Stare | Level 10 | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: おなかの マークで いまの キモチを あらわす Translated: The mark on its stomach displays its current feelings. Bootleg: Show present mood by signal. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: ついたプ二 T: I'm here, puni! B: Arrived |
J: やるプニよー T: Let's go, puni...! B: OK! |
None. |
Gumi (Link) グミ / Gumi |
Bootleg: Gumi | |
Natural Denjuu, Aquatic type | ||
Evolutions: | #065 Kerorin (level 31) | |
Evolves from: | N/A | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
![]() |
None | 10 |
Name Origin: | ||
Gumi is the japanese name for the genus Elaeagnus, also known as Oleaster or Silverberry. The name is also a bit of a pun, since gumi is the japanese spelling for gummy candy, which matches its gooey appearance. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Body Press | --- | |
2) --> Stare | --- | |
3) --> Lullaby | Level 16 | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: ぷよぷよとした からだで ダメージを はんげんする Translated: Its squishy body reduces the damage it takes by half. Bootleg: Body gets fat, takes half hurt. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: ついたプルン T: Made it... blurp B: Arrived |
J: やるプルルン T: Come on... blurp B: Come here |
None. |
Suguri (Link) スグリ / Suguri |
Bootleg: Sukori | |
Natural Denjuu, Grassland type | ||
Evolutions: | #066 Sugulai (level 24) | |
Evolves from: | N/A | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
![]() |
None | 11 |
Name Origin: | ||
Suguri is the japanese name for the Ribes genus, which contains currants and gooseberries. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Bite | --- | |
2) --> Avoid | --- | |
3) --> Claw | Level 13 | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: くらやみでもみえる めをもち よるでも たたかえる Translated: --- Bootleg: Can fight even cover the eyes. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: はやかっただろ T: Pretty quick, huh? B: Early |
J: そらいくぞー! T: And here I go! B: Be careful! |
None. |
Ganraikou (Link) ガンライコウ / Ganraikou |
Bootleg: Tampala | |
Natural Denjuu, Sky type | ||
Evolutions: | #067 Cortos (level 35) | |
Evolves from: | N/A | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
![]() |
None | 12 |
Name Origin: | ||
Ganraikou is a japanese nickname for Amaranthus tricolour, an ornamental plant also known as Joseph's coat. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Beak | --- | |
2) --> Quick Step | --- | |
3) --> Petal Storm | Level 18 | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: クチバシから きょうりょくな こうげきを くりだす Translated: It deals out powerful attacks with its beak. Bootleg: Launch attack by sharp mouth. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: おまたせコケ T: Cluck! Made you wait! B: Long wait |
J: いくコケ! T: Let's go! Cluck! B: Attack! |
None. |
Byakubu (Link) ビャクブ / Byakubu |
Bootleg: Baibu | |
Natural Denjuu, Grassland type | ||
Evolutions: | #068 Gaiurus (level 26) | |
Evolves from: | N/A | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
![]() |
None | 13 |
Name Origin: | ||
Named after Byakubu, the japanese name for the genus Stemona. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Bite | --- | |
2) --> Speed | --- | |
3) --> Claw | Level 14 | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: とてもするどい ツメとキバで きりさきこうげきをする Translated: --- Bootleg: Attack by teeth and claw. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: けんざん! T: Arrival! B: Verify |
J: やるぜっ! T: Yeah! Let's do it! B: Be careful! |
Power exclusive. |
Telopea (Link) テロペア / Teropea |
Bootleg: Teropea | |
Natural Denjuu, Aquatic type | ||
Evolutions: | #069 Midotor (level 32) | |
Evolves from: | N/A | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
![]() |
None | 14 |
Name Origin: | ||
Named after Telopea, a genus consisting of plants called waratahs. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Horn | --- | |
2) --> Protect | --- | |
3) --> First Aid | Level 17 | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: せなかに たくさんのタマゴが あるが なかには なにが? Translated: --- Bootleg: Eggs on back, what inside? | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: おまたせー T: Kept you waiting~ B: Long wait |
J: やるよー T: C'mon~ B: Be careful! |
None. |
Mantea (Link) マンテア / Mantea |
Bootleg: Mantea | |
Natural Denjuu, Aquatic type | ||
Evolutions: | #070 Octor (level 17) | |
Evolves from: | N/A | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
![]() |
None | 15 |
Name Origin: | ||
Unknown. Possibly from mantea, which is latin for a cape or mantle. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Rush | --- | |
2) --> Conceal | --- | |
3) --> Scream | Level 9 | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: あしのうらの きゅうばんで どんなところも いどうできる Translated: The suckers at the ends of its arms allow it to move freely. Bootleg: Anything can be moved by cupula. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: おまたせタコ T: I'm here, octo. B: Long wait |
J: やるタコするタコ T: Hey octo, let's go octo. B: Be careful! |
None. |
Ixora (Link) イクソラ / Ikusora |
Bootleg: Ikusora | |
Natural Denjuu, Aquatic type | ||
Evolutions: | #071 Hitodeight (level 28) | |
Evolves from: | N/A | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
![]() |
None | 16 |
Name Origin: | ||
Named after the genus Ixora. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Rush | --- | |
2) --> Protect | --- | |
3) --> Recover | Level 15 | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: うつぶせの じょうたいで すんでいることが おおい Translated: It is often found lying flat on its face. Bootleg: The position of face bend over. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: ...ついた T: ...Made it. B: Arrive at |
J: ...やる T: ...Bring it. B: ...attack |
None. |
Myrtus (Link) ミルツス / Mirutsusu |
Bootleg: Mierths | |
Natural Denjuu, Grassland type | ||
Evolutions: | #072 Ghosboar (level 15) | |
Evolves from: | N/A | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
![]() |
None | 17 |
Name Origin: | ||
From the genus Myrtus, better known as myrtle. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Rush | --- | |
2) --> Defend | --- | |
3) --> Speed | Level 9 | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: フサフサした たいもうのした には てあしがかくれている Translated: Its arms and legs are hidden beneath its flowing hair. Bootleg: Hands and feet hide under hair. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: とうちゃくしたぜ! T: I've arrived! B: Arrived |
J: さくさくいくぞ! T: Let's make it quick! B: Attack! |
None. |
Lychnis (Link) リクニス / Rikunisu |
Bootleg: Liknis | |
Natural Denjuu, Aquatic type | ||
Evolutions: | #073 Rasenmai (level 28) | |
Evolves from: | N/A | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
![]() |
None | 18 |
Name Origin: | ||
Named after Lychnis, a genus of flowers with sticky stems, also known as catchfly. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Water Shot | --- | |
2) --> Shutter | --- | |
3) --> First Aid | Level 15 | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: おどろくと カイガラのなかに みを かくしてしまう Translated: It hides inside its shell when startled. Bootleg: Body is hidden into the shell. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: ついたっクス T: Heh, I'm here~ B: Arrived |
J: やっつけるクス T: I'll get you! Haha B: Beat to death! |
None. |
Lapeirousia (Link) ラペロイジア / Raperoijia |
Bootleg: Luyigia | |
Natural Denjuu, Desert type | ||
Evolutions: | #074 Scorpil (level 30) | |
Evolves from: | N/A | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
![]() |
None | 19 |
Name Origin: | ||
Lapeirousia is another name for Freesia, a genus of garden flowers. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Scissor | --- | |
2) --> Protect | --- | |
3) --> Poison Sting | Level 16 | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: りょうてのハサミと シッポの ドクバリで こうげきする Translated: It attacks with the pincers on its arms and the poison sting on its tail. Bootleg: Attack by scissors and tail. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: シャカシャカきた T: Snip snip, I'm here! B: Arrived |
J: シャカシャカさす T: Snip snip, stab! B: Attack! |
None. |
Bubaria (Link) ブバリア / Bubaria |
Bootleg: Bubaria | |
Natural Denjuu, Aquatic type | ||
Evolutions: | #075 Armcrab (level 20) | |
Evolves from: | N/A | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
![]() |
None | 20 |
Name Origin: | ||
Named after Bubaria, the common japanese spelling of Bouvardia. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Scissor | --- | |
2) --> Protect | --- | |
3) --> Invigorate | Level 11 | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: せなかにある かおのもようで てきを まどわせる Translated: The face-like pattern on its back disorients its enemies. Bootleg: Face look also shown on back. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: きたカニよー T: Crab coming~ B: Arrived |
J: きるカニよー T: Crab cutting~ B: Split you! |
Speed exclusive. |
Civilized Denjuu[edit]
Angios (Link) アンヂオス / Anjiosu |
Bootleg: Anjiosi | |
Civilized Denjuu, Sky type | ||
Evolutions: | #076 Angiorn (DNA Biolent) | |
Evolves from: | N/A | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
Fire Gun | None | 36 |
Name Origin: | ||
Angiosperm is the scientific term for flowering plants. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Rush | --- | |
2) --> Wing Beat | --- | |
3) --> Claw | Level 8 | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: ハネで かぜを おこして するどいツメで こうげきする Translated: --- Bootleg: Attack by sharp claw. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: またせたなっ! T: --- B: Long wait |
J: いくぜっ! T: --- B: Be careful! |
Power exclusive. This Denjuu is obtained from a story event, and cannot be nicknamed. |
Gymnos (Link) ヂムノス / Jimunosu |
Bootleg: Jimunosi | |
Civilized Denjuu, Mountain type | ||
Evolutions: | #077 Gymrace (DNA Biolent) | |
Evolves from: | N/A | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
Missile | None | 37 |
Name Origin: | ||
Gymnosperm is the scientific term for coniferous plants. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Strike | --- | |
2) --> Protect | --- | |
3) --> Horn | Level 9 | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: おおきなこぶしから くりだす パンチはデンジュウカイいち! Translated: --- Bootleg: Attack by heavy boxing,the first | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: オレにまかせな! T: --- B: Long wait |
J: くらいやがれ! T: --- B: Eat up you! |
Speed exclusive. This Denjuu is obtained from a story event, and cannot be nicknamed. |
Liriope (Link) リリオぺ / Ririope |
Bootleg: Lilioab | |
Civilized Denjuu, Aquatic type | ||
Evolutions: | #078 Lirionpu (DNA Biolent) | |
Evolves from: | N/A | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
Revolver | None | 38 |
Name Origin: | ||
Named after Liriope, a genus of grass-like plants also known as lilyturf. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Bite | --- | |
2) --> Chill | --- | |
3) --> Recover | Level 10 | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: うみの あさせに なかまと むれをつくって せいそくする Translated: They gather in groups in the shallow waters of the sea. Bootleg: Gather on the bank of seaside. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: ついたっぺ T: --- B: Arrived |
J: やるっぺ! T: --- B: Attack! |
This Denjuu is obtained from a story event, and cannot be nicknamed. It is always obtained at level 16. |
Waratah (Link) ワラタ / Warata |
Bootleg: Warata | |
Civilized Denjuu, Forest type | ||
Evolutions: | #079 Waitah (DNA Biolent) | |
Evolves from: | N/A | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
Saber | None | 39 |
Name Origin: | ||
Named after Waratah, the common name for the plants in the Telopea genus. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Bite | --- | |
2) --> Lullaby | --- | |
3) --> Claw | Level 15 | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: ボウシが トレードマーク カオと オシリが ハートがた Translated: --- Bootleg: Face and ass are very hard. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: ウキキー T: --- B: ABCDEF |
J: ウッキー!! T: --- B: Guu |
None. |
Sorghum (Link) ソルガム / Sorugamu |
Bootleg: Surugem | |
Civilized Denjuu, Desert type | ||
Evolutions: | #080 Potzal (DNA Biolent) | |
Evolves from: | N/A | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
Shuriken | None | 40 |
Name Origin: | ||
Named after Sorghum, a genus of various grasses and grains. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Bite | --- | |
2) --> Poison Gas | --- | |
3) --> Claw | Level 11 | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: りょうかたのヒレを ひっしに はばたかせて ちゅうにうく Translated: It can hover by franticly flapping its two shoulder fins. Bootleg: Attack the enemy by laping two wing. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: おまたっ! T: --- B: Long wait |
J: やってやる! T: --- B: Be careful! |
None. |
Eryngo (Link) エリンゴ / Eringo |
Bootleg: Erinko | |
Civilized Denjuu, Forest type | ||
Evolutions: | #081 Araneida (DNA Biolent) | |
Evolves from: | N/A | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
Machine Gun | None | 41 |
Name Origin: | ||
Named after Eryngo, a common name for plants in the genus Eryngium. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Scissor | --- | |
2) --> Chill | --- | |
3) --> Poison Sting | Level 16 | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: おしりのとっきからドクバリを とばして こうげきする Translated: --- Bootleg: Poison needle attack the enemy. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: またせたなっ! T: --- B: Long wait |
J: そらいくぞー! T: --- B: Ya! Careful! |
Speed exclusive. |
Noriutsugi (Link) ノリウツギ / Noriutsugi |
Bootleg: Noriwuts | |
Civilized Denjuu, Sky type | ||
Evolutions: | #082 Gadhoro (DNA Biolent) | |
Evolves from: | N/A | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
Bomb | None | 42 |
Name Origin: | ||
Named for Noriutsugi, the japanese name for Hydrangea paniculata. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Beak | --- | |
2) --> Invigorate | --- | |
3) --> Ultrasonic | Level 11 | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: やこうせいのため ひるまは かくれていることが おおい Translated: Because of its nocturnal lifestyle, it often hides during the day. Bootleg: Often hide in the daytime. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: きたホロウ T: --- B: Hello! |
J: いくホロウ T: --- B: Come here! |
None. |
Pampas (Link) パンパス / Panpasu |
Bootleg: Banles | |
Civilized Denjuu, Aquatic type | ||
Evolutions: | #083 Cliogera (DNA Biolent) | |
Evolves from: | N/A | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
Gatling Gun | None | 43 |
Name Origin: | ||
After Pampas grass, a kind of ornamental grass. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Horn | --- | |
2) --> Avoid | --- | |
3) --> Recover | Level 16 | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: すいちゅうに すんでいるが そらを とぶことも できる Translated: Although it lives underwater, it is also capable of flight. Bootleg: Live in water, can fly in sky. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: きたもんネ T: --- B: Hello! |
J: やっつけるもんネ T: --- B: Kill you! |
None. |
Rhodanthe (Link) ローダンセ / Roodanse |
Bootleg: Rodansa | |
Civilized Denjuu, Sky type | ||
Evolutions: | #084 Gust (DNA Biolent) | |
Evolves from: | N/A | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
Mixer | None | 44 |
Name Origin: | ||
Named after Rhodanthe, a genus of flowers. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Vacuum Slash | --- | |
2) --> Flight | --- | |
3) --> Dust Cloud | Level 12 | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: からだじたいを かいてんさせ たつまきを おこせる Translated: It creates tornados by spinning its body. Bootleg: Go round rapidly to form cyclone. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: ピューときたぜ T: --- B: Here! |
J: サーとやるか! T: --- B: Come! |
None. |
Lycoris (Link) リコリス / Rikorisu |
Bootleg: Rikoris | |
Civilized Denjuu, Grassland type | ||
Evolutions: | #085 Reige (DNA Biolent) | |
Evolves from: | N/A | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
Computer | None | 45 |
Name Origin: | ||
Named after the licorice plant, Glycyrrhiza glabra, from which the popular candy is made. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Kick | --- | |
2) --> Quick Step | --- | |
3) --> Evade | Level 8 | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: りっぱなあしと おなかにある なぞのポケットが とくちょう Translated: Its defining features are its impressive legs and the mysterious pocket on its stomach. Bootleg: Pockets on feet and stomach. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: どうもどうも T: --- B: Welcome |
J: いきますか! T: --- B: Go! |
None. |
Viburnum (Link) ビバーナム / Bibaanamu |
Bootleg: Bibanam | |
Civilized Denjuu, Grassland type | ||
Evolutions: | #086 --- (DNA Biolent) | |
Evolves from: | N/A | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
Video Camera | None | 46 |
Name Origin: | ||
Named after Viburnum, a genus of shrubs. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Tail | --- | |
2) --> Quick Step | --- | |
3) --> Heal | Levell 9 | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: ながくひらべったい シッポを まるめて こうげきしてくる Translated: --- Bootleg: Attack by curling up the tail. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: ビバっときたぜ T: --- B: Hello! |
J: ビバっとなー! T: --- B: Go to glory! |
None. |
Funnel (Link) ファンネル / Fanneru |
Bootleg: Phanel | |
Civilized Denjuu, Grassland type | ||
Evolutions: | #087 Raigaleon (DNA Biolent) | |
Evolves from: | N/A | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
Saw | None | 47 |
Name Origin: | ||
Possibly named after Rhodoleia henryi, a plant known as Red funnel. Either way, it's definitely not fennel. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Bite | --- | |
2) --> Invigorate | --- | |
3) --> Horn | Level 15 | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: 2ほんあしで たっているが すばやく はしることができる Translated: --- Bootleg: Run very fast. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: オレにまかせな! T: --- B: Long wait |
J: きりさいてやる! T: --- B: Split you! |
None. |
Vanda (Link) バンダ / Banda |
Bootleg: Banda | |
Civilized Denjuu, Forest type | ||
Evolutions: | #088 --- (DNA Biolent) | |
Evolves from: | N/A | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
Crane | None | 48 |
Name Origin: | ||
Named after Vanda, a genus of flowering plants. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Strike | --- | |
2) --> Shout | --- | |
3) --> Claw | Level 15 | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: かんせつがない ながいうでを ふりまわして なぐりかかる Translated: --- Bootleg: Shake long arms beat the enemy | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: もりのなーかー T: --- B: In forest |
J: であったー T: --- B: See! |
None. |
Uikyou (Link) ウイキョウ / Uikyou |
Bootleg: Wuikyo | |
Civilized Denjuu, Aquatic type | ||
Evolutions: | #089 --- (DNA Biolent) | |
Evolves from: | N/A | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
Archery Set | None | 49 |
Name Origin: | ||
Named for Uikyou, the japanese genus name for Fennel. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Water Shot | --- | |
2) --> Avoid | --- | |
3) --> Poison Gas | Level 12 | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: ちょうおんぱのような こえで てきを こんらんさせてしまう Translated: It disorients enemies with its nearly ultrasonic voice. Bootleg: Disturb enemy by supersound. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: いそいできました T: --- B: Hurry up |
J: やっつけます! T: --- B: Kill you! |
None. |
Obana (Link) オバナ / Obana |
Bootleg: Obana | |
Civilized Denjuu, Desert type | ||
Evolutions: | #090 --- (DNA Biolent) | |
Evolves from: | N/A | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
Vacuum | None | 50 |
Name Origin: | ||
Named after Obana, a common japanese name for Miscanthus sinensis, which is also known as zebra grass. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Rush | --- | |
2) --> Heat Wave | --- | |
3) --> Claw | Level 20 | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: せなかにある おおきなツメを のばして とっしんこうげき Translated: --- Bootleg: Stretch out claws,attack enemy | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: よーおまたせ T: --- B: Long wait |
J: いっちゃやるか! T: --- B: Come again! |
None. |
Techno Denjuu[edit]
Firekokko (Link) ファイアーコッコ / Faiaakokko |
Bootleg: Faikke | |
Techno Denjuu, Sky type | ||
Evolutions: | N/A | |
Evolves from: | #067 Cortos (Fire Gun) | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
Gas Tank | None | 12 |
Name Origin: | ||
A combnation of fire and "kokekokko", the sound a rooster makes in japanese. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Iron Claw | --- | |
2) --> Flight | --- | |
3) --> Glare | --- | |
4) --> Flamethrower | --- | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: ほのおのつばさで ひこうして てきの ようすを うかがう Translated: --- Bootleg: Fly by laping fire, spy enemy. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: よんだかい T: B: |
J: もえつきろ! T: B: |
None. |
Raygoten (Link) レイゴーテン / Reigooten |
Bootleg: Rigoden | |
Techno Denjuu, Sky type | ||
Evolutions: | N/A | |
Evolves from: | #057 Raygirth (Screwdriver) | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
Faucet | None | 02 |
Name Origin: | ||
Ray as in stingray, though the rest is unknown. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Assault | --- | |
2) --> Ultrasonic | --- | |
3) --> Horn Drill | --- | |
4) --> Drill Missile | --- | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: てきを こんらん させてから あたまのツノで こうげきする Translated: --- Bootleg: Attack by the claws on head. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: ついたよー T: B: |
J: やっつけてやる! T: B: |
None. |
Drilarmor (Link) ドリアーマ / Doriaama |
Bootleg: Doria | |
Techno Denjuu, Mountain type | ||
Evolutions: | N/A | |
Evolves from: | #058 Armaru (Drill) | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
Revolver | None | 03 |
Name Origin: | ||
A combination of drill and armor. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Horn Drill | --- | |
2) --> Protect | --- | |
3) --> EM Barrier | --- | |
4) --> Drill Missile | ||
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: トレードマークの おおきな ドリルで とっしんこうげき Translated: --- Bootleg: Rush to enemy by the huge Drill. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: ついたよー T: B: |
J: いくぞっ! T: B: |
None. |
Chamelan (Link) カメラーン / Kameraan |
Bootleg: Kameran | |
Techno Denjuu, Grassland type | ||
Evolutions: | N/A | |
Evolves from: | #059 Chameraid (Lunatium) | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
Machine Gun | None | 04 |
Name Origin: | ||
A variation on the word chameleon. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Fang Crush | --- | |
2) --> Sleep Gas | --- | |
3) --> Camouflage | --- | |
4) --> War Cannon | --- | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: からだじゅうの とっきから てっきゅうを うちだす Translated: --- Bootleg: Iron fense is made by tubers. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: ...ついた T: B: |
J: ぐにょーん T: B: |
Power exclusive. |
Cryptoarm (Link) クリプトアーム / Kuriputoaamu |
Bootleg: Kuribute | |
Techno Denjuu, Forest type | ||
Evolutions: | N/A | |
Evolves from: | #060 Cryptoride (Bazooka) | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
Bazooka | None | 05 |
Name Origin: | ||
A combination of Crypto and arm, as in armaments/weapons. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Horn | --- | |
2) --> Focus | --- | |
3) --> Claw | --- | |
4) --> Horn Launcher | --- | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: あたまの カラの なかには ランチャーが かくされている Translated: --- Bootleg: Electropult is hidden in shell. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: またせたなっ! T: B: |
J: かかってこい! T: B: |
Power exclusive, evolved from a one-off Denjuu. |
Shellstera (Link) シェルステラ / Sherusutera |
Bootleg: Sherstla | |
Techno Denjuu, Grassland type | ||
Evolutions: | N/A | |
Evolves from: | #061 Wormiterala (Vacuum) | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
Jet Engine | None | 06 |
Name Origin: | ||
A combination of Monstera and shell. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Triple Attack | ||
2) --> Flight | ||
3) --> Dust Cloud | ||
4) --> Drill Missile | ||
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: かいてんして くうきのわを つくりだし こうげきする Translated: --- Bootleg: Go round, form the cyclone. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: おまたせー T: B: |
J: いたいぞー T: B: |
None. |
Fungeist (Link) ファンガイスト / Fangaisuto |
Bootleg: Fangist | |
Techno Denjuu, Grassland type | ||
Evolutions: | N/A | |
Evolves from: | #062 Fungblade (Bazooka) | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
Gatling Gun | None | 07 |
Name Origin: | ||
Most likely a combination of fungus and geist, the german word for spirit/ghost. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Missile Punch | --- | |
2) --> Protect | --- | |
3) --> Assault | --- | |
4) --> Dragon Missile | --- | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: せなかには きょうりょくな じゅうを そうびしている Translated: --- Bootleg: Fire gun is equipped on back. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: おまたせしました! T: B: |
J: いきますよー! T: B: |
Speed exclusive, evolved from a one-off Denjuu. |
Balltamus (Link) ボルタマス / Borutamasu |
Bootleg: Bourtama | |
Techno Denjuu, Aquatic type | ||
Evolutions: | N/A | |
Evolves from: | #063 Bulltamus (Chainsaw) | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
Missile | None | 08 |
Name Origin: | ||
A combination of hippopotamus and ball. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Fang Crush | --- | |
2) --> Shout | --- | |
3) --> Shield | --- | |
4) --> Earthquake | --- | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: かおはまさしく カバそのもの おおきなキバでてきにかみつく Translated: --- Bootleg: Bite enemy by huge buckteeth. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: またせたカバ T: B: |
J: ボチボチいくカバ T: B: |
Power exclusive. |
Burenica (Link) ブレニカ / Burenika |
Bootleg: Branika | |
Techno Denjuu, Grassland type | ||
Evolutions: | N/A | |
Evolves from: | #064 Puneedle (Propeller Engine) | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
Lance | None | 09 |
Name Origin: | ||
Possibly a combination of Punica and "bureru", which means to blur in japanese. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Cross Attack | --- | |
2) --> Recover | --- | |
3) --> Flight | --- | |
4) --> Kamaitachi | --- | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: あたまについているカッターの はを かいてんさせて とぶ Translated: --- Bootleg: Blades on head go round,now fly | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: ついたプ二 T: B: |
J: やるプニよー T: B: |
None. |
Geron (Link) ゲーロン / Geeron |
Bootleg: Geron | |
Techno Denjuu, Aquatic type | ||
Evolutions: | N/A | |
Evolves from: | #065 Kerorin (Faucet) | |
EXP Item: | DNA Item: | Melody: |
Shuriken | None | 10 |
Name Origin: | ||
From "gerogero", which means disgusting in japanese. | ||
Attacks: | ||
1) --> Acid | --- | |
2) --> Shout | --- | |
3) --> Curse Song | --- | |
4) --> Egg Bomb | --- | |
Info Text: | ||
Japanese: せなかに たくさんついている バクダンを むしってなげる Translated: --- Bootleg: throw away bomb on the back. | ||
Arrive Text: | Attack Text: | Other Notes: |
J: ついたブルン T: B: |
J: やるブルルン T: B: |
None. |
046 Berzelia (baazeria) バーゼリア[edit]
Bootleg name: Bazeria
Techno Denjuu, Grassland type
Evolutions: N/A
Evolves from: N/A
EXP item: Gun
DNA item: None
Melody: 21
Name origin:
Named after the Berzelia genus.
Harpoon Missile
Info text: ぶあついヒズメで どんなもの でもふみつけてペシャンコに!
Translated: ---
Bootleg: By heavy body, stave anything.
Arrive: つきましたよ!
Attack: わたしのばんです
Other notes: None.
STATUS: INCOMPLETE (info) (updated April 23, 2009)
047 Nigella (nigera) ニゲラ[edit]
Bootleg name: Nigera
Techno Denjuu, Aquatic type
Evolutions: N/A
Evolves from: N/A
EXP item: Archery Set
DNA item: None
Melody: 22
Name origin:
Named after the Nigella genus.
Numbing Sting
Info text: からだじゅうにある トゲを てきにとばして しびれさせる
Translated: ---
Bootleg: Make the enemy palsy by sticks.
Arrive: ゲッゲゲゲゲゲ
Attack: トゲだらけー!
Other notes: None.
STATUS: INCOMPLETE (info) (updated April 23, 2009)
048 Musa (musa) ムサ[edit]
Bootleg name: Musa
Techno Denjuu, Mountain type
Evolutions: N/A
Evolves from: N/A
EXP item: Propeller Engine
DNA item: None
Melody: 23
Name origin:
Named after the Musa genus, which contains bananas and plantains.
EM Wave
Missile Pod
Info text: ちょうろうのひとり コウラ には ぶきがつまっている
Translated: An elder Denjuu. Its shell is filled with weapons.
Bootleg: KELA hold the weapon in hand.
Arrive: またせたかのー
Attack: わしのばんじゃ
Other notes: This Denjuu is obtained from a secret phone number, and therefore cannot be nicknamed. It is always obtained at level 20. (The phone number was originally revealed in the November 2000 issue of Comic Bom Bom. It was also printed in the first and last volumes of the Telefang manga, and can now be found on the official Telefang website. :D)
STATUS: Complete (April 23, 2009)
049 Netaro (netaro) ネタロ[edit]
Bootleg name: Netaro
Techno Denjuu, Mountain type
Evolutions: N/A
Evolves from: N/A
EXP item: Saber
DNA item: None
Melody: 24
Name origin:
Tarou, meaning "first son", is a common part of japanese names. Netarou happens to be an existing name, with the "Ne" written as the kanji for sleep or rest. This is appropriate for our Netaro, since sleeping is one of his defining features. #050 Nejiro is this denjuu's younger brother, with Jirou, likewise, meaning "second son".
EM Wave
Drill Missile
Info text: フサフサの けのなかには ミサイルを かくしもっている
Translated: It keeps missiles hidden beneath its scruffy fur.
Bootleg: Take the missile in hair.
Arrive: ...ついた
Attack: ねむいなー
Other notes: This Denjuu is obtained from a story event, and cannot be nicknamed. It is always obtained at level 10.
STATUS: Complete (April 23, 2009)
050 Nejiro (nejiro) ネジロ[edit]
Bootleg name: Nejiro
Techno Denjuu, Sky type
Evolutions: N/A
Evolves from: N/A
EXP item: Bomb
DNA item: None
Melody: 25
Name origin:
See Netaro.
High Kick
Machine Gun
Info text: くうちゅうから ツメや マシンガンで こうげきする
Translated: It attacks from the sky with its claws and machine gun.
Bootleg: Attack by Mo-gun.
Arrive: さぁきたよ!
Attack: どんどんやろう!
Other notes: This Denjuu is obtained from a story event, and cannot be nicknamed. It is always obtained at level 6.
STATUS: Complete (April 23, 2009)
051 Godetia (godechia) ゴデチア[edit]
Bootleg name: Gedejia
Techno Denjuu, Grassland type
Evolutions: N/A
Evolves from: N/A
EXP item: Drill
DNA item: None
Melody: 26
Name origin:
Named after Godetia, a flower also known as Farewell to Spring.
Numbing Sting
Poison Gas
Info text: ワキから むすうのアシがでて ムカデのように はしれる
Translated: It sprouts countless legs from its sides and runs like a centipede.
Bootleg: Stretch out arms under his oxter.
Arrive: ウネウネきたー
Attack: ウネウネいくかー
Other notes: None.
STATUS: Complete (April 23, 2009)
052 Curcuma (kurukuma) クルクマ[edit]
Bootleg name: Kukuma
Techno Denjuu, Aquatic type
Evolutions: N/A
Evolves from: N/A
EXP item: Ray Gun
DNA item: None
Melody: 27
Name origin:
Named after Curcuma, the genus containing turmeric (a.k.a. tumeric, the spice).
Numbing Sting
Drill Missile
Info text: さかだちじょうたいで ツノと シッポを つかって こうげき
Translated: Always walking on its hands, it uses its horn and tail to attack.
Bootleg: Attack in headstand.
Arrive: おそかった?
Attack: なかせてやるぜ!
Other notes: None.
STATUS: Complete (April 23, 2009)
053 Tessen (tessen) テッセン[edit]
Bootleg name: Rasen
Techno Denjuu, Mountain type
Evolutions: N/A
Evolves from: N/A
EXP item: Gun
DNA item: None
Melody: 28
Name origin:
Named after tessen (steel wire), the common japanese name for Clematis florida.
Iron Claw
Heat Wave
Info text: きょうりょくな ほのおけいの こうげきを とくいとする
Translated: ---
Bootleg: Attack by violent flame.
Arrive: きてやったぜ
Attack: オレがたおす
Other notes: None.
STATUS: INCOMPLETE (info) (updated April 23, 2009)
054 Heliopsis (heriopushisu) ヘリオプシス[edit]
Bootleg name: Heriops
Techno Denjuu, Grassland type
Evolutions: N/A
Evolves from: N/A
EXP item: Propeller Engine
DNA item: None
Melody: 29
Name origin:
Named after Heliopsis, a small genus of flowering plants.
EM Barrier
Info text: そとからはみえないが かたに ボンベが ないぞうされている
Translated: ---
Bootleg: Oxy-bottle hidden in shoulder.
Arrive: ついたトリ
Attack: もやしちゃうね
Other notes: None.
STATUS: INCOMPLETE (info) (updated April 23, 2009)
055 Hagumanoki (hagumanoki) ハグマノキ[edit]
Bootleg name: Sumac
Techno Denjuu, Forest type
Evolutions: N/A
Evolves from: N/A
EXP item: Ray Gun
DNA item: None
Melody: 30
Name origin:
Named after Hagumanoki, the japanese name for the Cotinus genus.
Stag Beam
Info text: おおきなツノで てきをはさみ せなかのビームでこうげきする
Translated: ---
Bootleg: Grasp the enemy by huge claw.
Arrive: ついたクワ
Attack: いちころクワ
Other notes: This Denjuu is obtained from a secret phone number, and therefore cannot be nicknamed. It is always obtained at level 30. (Its phone number was originally revealed in a TV commercial that aired in November 2000. It was also printed in the 3rd volume of the Telefang manga, and can now be found on the official Telefang website. :D)
STATUS: INCOMPLETE (info) (updated April 23, 2009)