This is a complete list of Ringtones found in Telefang 1. There are 71 in total. The list is sorted by numerical order, and is also sorted by assigned Denjuu icon and the individual Denjuu which use each icon.
Because each Denjuu appears to be assigned a ringtone determined by its walking sprites, certain Denjuu which are not related by evolution still share ringtones because they use the same sprites - the Denjuu affected by this are Ruscus/Ryuuguu and Bashou which share tone 62, and Gonum, Dendel, and Teletel which share tone 65.
Three tones are not assigned to any Denjuu, 60, 70, and 71. While 71 is the D-Shot's default ringtone, 60 and 70 are can be listened to the Melo-D menu but not set as ringers. Sprite information in the ROM seems to show that 60 is associated with an unused copy of Denfare's walking sprites, while the inclusion of Matsukiyo's sprites directly after the end of the Denjuu list suggest that 70 was originally meant to be his ringtone.